Chapter 35

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Sorry this took a hot minute bc I had writers block for five years. You'll be pleased to know I have another plot point to follow now so there might be some interesting stuff coming up idk.

Neteyam POV

As he had asked Lo'ak permission, Neteyam could hold a clean conscience discussing the situation with Ao'nung. After dinner that night, Neteyam had stood outside the chief's family marui and nodded to Tonowari when he approached the door. 

"Olo'eytkan, pleasure to see you." Neteyam lowered his head momentarily.

"The same to you, Neteyam Sully," Tonowari responded. Neteyam was still thrown off whenever the chief called him by his full name; something usually reserved for lectures by his parents. He needed to remind himself that the name was merely a kind formality from his boyfriend's parent. 

"Thank you, sir. I was wondering if I might steal Ao'nung for a while?" Neteyam was already looking over Tonowari's broad shoulder to try and spot him.

"Yes, but he cannot be out too late, and definitely not overnight,"  replied Tonowari. The stress on the last word was perhaps unintentional, but still made Neteyam feel odd at the thought of the chief and his wife knowing what he and Ao'nung had done.

"Of course, I'll bring him back soon, I just wanted to walk for a little," Neteyam clarified, trying to earn some more trust. Of course, he was trusted by the chief and his wife already, but it never hurt to be as polite as possible. 

"Ao'nung! Someone is here to see you," Tonowari called over his shoulder. Neteyam rose on his toes and saw Ao'nung come into view, hair coming out of its bun. Neteyam grinned as Ao'nung's expression broke into a wide smile. 

"Hey sunshine," laughed Ao'nung once they were out of earshot of his father, picking Neteyam up in a sweeping, very dramatic hug. Neteyam blushed at the new days nickname.

"Hey," Neteyam responded breathlessly. "Sorry, I can't think of names that quickly." Ao'nung just smiled.

"And here I was thinking this relationship was equal." Ao'nung grinned at Neteyam as he held him to his chest with his hands linked behind Neteyam's back. Neteyam shook his head softly. 

"Are you busy?" Neteyam asked as Ao'nung set him down. 

"Depends what you're going to ask to do," Ao'nung now smirked at his boyfriend. "Some... activities may need more time dedicated to them than what I have available. Unless you want to rush-" Ao'nung was prevented from finishing his devilish thought by Neteyam pushing him lightly in the chest. Ao'nung pretended to fall over, and Neteyam's hand recoiled from the hard plane of muscle.

"Shut up," Neteyam rolled his eyes. "That was only like a day ago, and you're already up for round two." Ao'nung shrugged.

"What can I say? You're great at what you do," he grinned again.

"Right," Neteyam mumbled absent-mindedly. Ao'nung quickly sobered up and leant his head down to be level with Neteyam's.

"Hey, something wrong?" Ao'nung asked him, taking both his hands.

"No. Well, not for me anyway," Neteyam sighed. "You feel like keeping a secret?" Ao'nung's eyes narrowed.

"Depends, who am I hiding it from?" he asked skeptically.

"Your sister... and basically everyone. But its mainly Tsireya." Neteyam watched Ao'nung's face carefully.

"Tsirey- what for?" Ao'nung blinked.

"Lo'ak was talking to me, and he needed help with.. stuff," Neteyam told him. Ao'nung held up his hands. 

"Woah woah, that's my sister, I don't wanna know-" Ao'nung started, but Neteyam shook his head.

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