2.06 - shed

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to say that the group was shocked would be a huge understatement

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to say that the group was shocked would be a huge understatement. rick hadn't been back long; surely it was still his though, right? briar kept her suspicions to herself, as to not upset lori. they group that stood around lori, shane, and carl stood in silence that slowly became awkward, carl running inside with tear filled eyes. the embarrassing silence was soon broken by the approaching the farm, the red car that glenn and rick had left in pulling up into the driveway. briar ran over, giving glenn a bear hug. she had been scared to death for the poor boy. she sent a appreciative nod to rick, who reciprocated her actions, before giving hershel a slightly less suffocating hug. the reunion was cut short, however, by rick.

"we have a boy in the back of the car. he's hurt."

the group had immediately shut down the concept of randall getting anywhere near carl and the newly pregnant lori. so, they put him in the shed that was stood at the opposite end of the barn. they couldn't risk him knowing where they were, so they kept him blindfolded and shackled up against the wall of the barn. a small voice in briars
head that echoed through her brain told her how wrong it was, but she had no choice but to push her feelings deep down into her subconscious, away from the front of her mind.

briar was stood, packing up her clothes that were scattered around her small tent. hershel had decided that as the winter continued to grow more and more harsh, he could push his feelings aside and allow the group into the house until it got warmer. she put her items into a box that maggie had lended her before walking into the house. taking a spot next to glenn on the cramped floor of maggie's room, the couple had been reluctant in letting her stay but they didn't have much of a choice. she laid out her blanket before thumping down the stairs to the front yard where the group stood, discussing what to do with him.

"me and shane'll go, lead him out and drop him off somewhere far," rick explained, the groups heads slowly nodding at his words, "around 18 miles out." the trio of briar, dale, and daryl stood slightly behind the rest of the group, shaking their heads in disapproval. sure, he could be dangerous. but he isn't an animal, right? briar turned her head to dale, sharing a glance with the man before the two walked away and stood against the side of the house.

"this is so wrong." briar announced, dale nodding his head in agreement and also disappointment. "i agree. what happened to the man that said we don't kill the living?" he tutted, "this group is broken."

rick and shane not only returned with randall, but also with a few cuts and bruises

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rick and shane not only returned with randall, but also with a few cuts and bruises. in a way, briar was grateful for the men to have gotten into whatever confrontation they did; it resulted in all three of them alive. briar walked over to rick, who was standing with his eyes elsewhere next to the barn.

"what the hell happened out there?", no response came from rick, "hello?" she waved her hand in front of his eyes, snapping him out of his daydream and his eyes travelled to briar who stood with a confused expression.

"get your head out of your ass, grimes. we don't have time for this shit." she rolled her eyes and walked away, fed up with him. his eyes followed her as she made her way back to the house, looking back to the barn when she left from his view.

after nightfall, the group were all gathered in the dining room to discuss their plan for the boy. they couldn't leave him out there; he knew maggie from high school and knew where she lived, so they were left with two options. let him live and join their group, or kill him. most of the group were leaning toward the latter, which briar, daryl, and dale all were in disbelief at. maggie and glenn looked at briar in guilt before agreeing with the rest of the group. she looked on in shock, feeling a tinge of anger in her chest. dale scoffed, voicing his opinion. "i was right, briar. this group really is broken." he stormed out of the room, outside and out of the house, into the dark field. briar looked at the group with a thunderous face before following him a few minutes later.

a scream was heard in the field. briar looked confused, before her features relaxed and her heart dropped. she took no time in running off into the field, shouting sales name which only resulted in a louder scream of agony emitting from the old man's mouth. she reached him, the rest of the group not far behind as the took the walker off of his torso and killing it quickly with her knife. andrea fell to her knees next to dale, who shook in shock. his skin was ripped off, revealing the inside of his stomach. "hershel! please, do something." rick pleaded, hershel shaking his head solemnly. there was nothing he could do.

rick sighed with tears in his eyes, taking out his gun. however, daryl took his gun, saying a small 'i got it', before cocking it back and aiming it between his eyes.

"sorry, brother."

gray speaks!

guys this chapter is so short and crappy but thanks so much for 700 views? i'm in my famous era frr but i'm so grateful honestly thank you for reading and supporting this book! briar is my little baby and i'll protect her at all costs <333 i love you all so so so much thank you for the support recently you guys are the best :)))

guys this chapter is so short and crappy but thanks so much for 700 views? i'm in my famous era frr but i'm so grateful honestly thank you for reading and supporting this book! briar is my little baby and i'll protect her at all costs <333 i love ...

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ok bye love u
word count: 985

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