8. Monster

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"Tyrion is not a monster.'' Estella remarked factually from the door. "He's not a monster. He's just a baby."

"Who asked you?" Cersei sneered and Estella headed outside to check on Tyrion. She was grumbling to herself when she brought Tyrion out for some fresh air. Sandor moved to her immediately. 

"Estella, I feel like I havent seen you in ages." Sandor declared. 

"I know, I miss you." estella agreed and Sandors breath caught in his throat. She missed him. 

"I missed you too." Sandor agreed. She reached out giving his hand a squeeze and he felt his heart ache. This woman, this girl that had long since consumed his heart and mind missed him, thought about him too when she wasnt with him. That had to mean something, surely it wasnt just friendship, it could be more. He wanted it to be more. 

Estella cradled little Tyrion closer to herself when the lannister twins and the martells came running out to play in the water. 

 Cersei was the stain in their day. She would appear and Oberyn would ask if he could see the monster.

'Not yet. Soon.' Cersei told him.

"I should go back up, he needs a changing." Estella remarked and Sandor begrudgingly let go of her hand. He watched her go before he heard his father barking at him to clean up the kennels. 

'I can show him to you.' Jaime had said, 'he is not a monster.'

'I want Cersei to show me the monster.' Oberyn told Jaime as Oberyn splashed Cersei in the face. SHe shrieked out. 

'you my friend are going to be severely disappointed.' Jaime told him.

'Tyrion is not a monster, cersei might be a monster.' Jaime told him.

"Jaime!" Cersei shrilled. 

"Estella!" Sandor called up when he saw her in the balcony. "Estella!" She smiled down at him.

"I feel like a princess." Estella informed him. "Like you should scaling the side of the castle or telling me to throw down my hair."

"Your hair?" Sandor countered, she giggled back at him as she shifted Tyrion in her arms.

"Stupid fairy tales." Estella assured.

 "Does that make me the handsome prince?" Sandor mused. 

"Princes are stupid." Estella corrected. "It makes you my handsome knight in shinning armor." Estella declared.

"Handsome?" Sandor rasped. 

"Very." Estella agreed. 

But the Martells were leaving soon and Cersei lead them to the nursery. Estella had gotten Tyrion to sleep and was going to head out for the evening but knew Cersei was up to no good. 

'The freak, the monster, I warn you, he is hideous.' Cersei told them and Elia grasped Oberyn's hand as they approached the crib.

His head was a bit large. His arms and legs were a bit small, but no claws. No red eye. No tail between his legs. Just a tiny pink cock. They didn't try to hide their disappointment.

"That's not a monster," Oberyn told Cersei, "that's just a baby," Oberyn declared. 

"I told you!" Jaime declared and how Estella wished that could have been the end of it but it wasnt.

"He killed my mother.' Cersei shouted and she pinched Tyrion's little cock so hard, everyone thought she might pull it off.

'Cersei stop!' Estella begged as Jaime pulled her back. Tyrion cried and cried until Estella picked him up bouncing him in her arms. 

''Cersei!" Jaime shouted. Estella cradled Tyrion to her as Tyrion screamed into Estella's ear.

"It doesn't matter," Cersei told them ignoring Estella and Tyrion's complaints. "Everyone says he will die soon, I hope they are right... he should not have lived this long."

'CERSEI!" Jaime shouted as she stomped out.

"IT's okay, it's okay,' Estella coed, ' I love you.''


"Sandor I missed your handsome face," Estella declared and he perked up. "I dont understand the higher ups lords and ladies and princes, Oberyn complained about simply everything and Elia seemed sweet but Cersei Gods that girl I want to stick a needle in her eye." Estella declared plopping down beside him. "Anyways, how was your day?"

"Awful." Sandor admitted and Estellas face turned down. "But great now that you are here." He assured. Estella hummed pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Estella whispered and Sandor nodded eagerly. 

"Dont want to be with all the old maesters?" Sandor mused. 

"I want to stay with you." Estella agreed. 

 "Stay forever." Sandor agreed immediately.

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