𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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    A week after Izuku left, Temari began to wonder where her useless brother was. He hasn't been showing up for school and for his daily beatings. She went to check his room to see if maybe he was hiding in there. What she found was a nothing. The room was bare and it looked like he hasn't been in here for days. All that was in there was a note on the desk. Temari picked it up to read it only to feel regret. "MOM! DAD! COME IN HERE!" She cried out. "What is it sweetie?" What's wrong?" Her parents asked when they got there. "Look." She handed them the note. Inko began to cry and Toshinori felt devastated. They neglected their own son to the point where he felt like he had to run away. Temari called her friends to let them know about what happened. Toshinori called his detective friend, Naomasa Tsukauchi, to come investigate.

    Detective Tsukauchi showed up with Eraserhead and Nezu tagging along. "Thanks for coming." Toshinori greeted his friend. "Of course, now you said he left a note?" Tsukauchi asked. "Yes, he did." Toshinori handed the note to him. "Wait! Can we wait just a little? I called my friends to let them know Izuku is missing. Can we wait for them?" Temari asked the detective. "I don't see anything wrong with waiting for them detective." Nezu stated. "Very well. We'll wait for them to get here." Tsukauchi sighed. A few minutes later, Hikari, Shoto, Kora, and a very concerned Katsuki were at the door. Once they settled themselves in the living room, the detective read the note out loud.

    "To whoever finds this,

I'm sorry but I can't stay here anymore. Everyday is nothing but pain and suffering for me. Being neglected, abused and bullied at school, the teachers doxxing my grades and doing nothing about the students, writing me up for starting fights while the culprit walks scotch-free. Only one person ever cared if I was hurt. Only one person cared if I ate today. Only one person cared if I was feeling down. Only one person cared if I couldn't take this anymore and wanted it all to stop. Only one person cared. I'll leave a message for them at the end of this letter. Anyway, I left to find a place I could truly call home. Please, don't come looking for me. I'm not coming back.


ᑬ.ຮ. ḭᖴ ẙṎᙈ ᾀᖇ⁅ ᖇ⁅ᾀᕍḭṈg tᏲḭຮ ḳᾀᏨᏨᏲᾀṈ, ḭ'Ḿ g℄ᾀᕍ ḭt Ꮤᾀຮ ẙṎᙈ ᏔᏲṎ Ꮸᾀᖇ⁅ᕍ tṎ ℄ṎṎḳ ᾀᖴt⁅ᖇ Ḿ⁅. ḭ'℄℄ Ḿ⁅ຮຮᾀg⁅ ẙṎᙈ ᏔᏲ⁅Ṉ ḭ ᖴḭṈᕍ ᾀ ᑬ℄ᾀᏨ⁅ tṎ Ꮸᾀ℄℄ ᏲṎḾ⁅. ḭ ℄Ṏv⁅ ẙṎᙈ."

"I can't seem to read the last part. It's written in some kind of code." Tsukauchi finished. "But it sounds like a case of child neglect based off what he wrote." It was silent for a few moments before someone spoke up. "Can I see the note?" Katsuki asked. Unsure why he would want to see it, the detective gave it to him. Katsuki read the message his friend left for him and smiled. "I'm guessing you're the friend he spoke of." Eraserhead said suddenly. Everyone looked at Katsuki. "What does it say? Why did my brother leave a message for you?" Temari asked him. "I DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU SHIT!" Katsuki yelled at her. "But he's my brother!" Temari tried to argue with him but got cut off. "SINCE WHEN DID YOU EVER CARE!? BROTHER OR NOT, YOU NEVER GAVE A SHIT ABOUT HIM! SO WHY WOULD YOU START CARING NOW!?" Katsuki yelled before storming out the door. "I'll go talk to him." Eraser suggested and took off after him.

"Now then, how many of you were in on this?" Nezu asked the kids. "What are you talking about?" Hikari asked the rat satan. "You know very well what I mean." Nezu retorted. "All of us." Shoto spoke up. "Shoto!" Temari wanted to argue. "Hey! They're going to find out eventually." Kora said.

    "Well then, the four of you will have to be punished." Nezu started. "I'll still allow you to attend UA. However, you will not get in through any recommendations, you will be kept under watch and if you make any move to attack any student without provocation you'll be expelled. Do I make myself clear?" Nezu wasn't asking. "Why aren't you punishing Katsuki as well!? Why just us!?" Hikari argued. "Because Katsuki didn't attack Izuku. You did." Nezu gave a look like 'Try me bitch!' Reluctantly, they all agreed. "Put the four of them in my class when the time comes. I'll make sure nothing like this happens again." Eraserhead said coming from nowhere. "Very well, Eraser. I'll make sure to remember that. Oh, and one last thing. You will not be accepted into any other hero school except UA." And with that, they left. Everyone went to bed that night feeling even worse then before.

    The next day, Toshinori and Inko were informed that they will not be allowed to give recommendations to UA. Tsukauchi gathered a search team of heroes to look for Izuku Yagi and kept it secret from the public. Temari, Hikari, Kora and Shoto were kept under close watch and put into anger management. If one of them steps out of line, their chance at becoming a hero will be taken away from them. Katsuki received a message two days later informing him that his friend was doing okay and that he now goes by Koichi. After reading his message, he deleted it just in case the others try snooping around. Katsuki was glad his friend found a place to call home.

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