𝓒𝓱𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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8 months had passed and no one has seen Izuku Yagi since. While some heroes were still looking for him, Koichi trained hard to become a vigilante. Today, Toya decided to test him to see how far he has come and perhaps see if can join him on patrols. "Alright squirt, let's see what you got!" Toya called out to him. Koichi nodded and got into a fighting stance.

    Once Toya gave the signal, Koichi launched himself towards him in an attempt to strike. Toya dodged and threw a punch at him. Koichi caught his fist and landed a kick to his gut making Toya stumble. He tried to knock him off his feet but Toya regained his balance before he could and knocked him back. "Heh. Not bad. Now let's throw quirks into the mix." Toya lit up his flames with a smirk. Koichi was given a few quirks from his father so he had a small arsenal to choose from. He matched Toya's smirk and activated one of his quirks.

~time skip cause I don't write fight scenes~

    Eventually, Koichi managed to take Toya down, but they were both exhausted. "Good job, squirt. You caught me." Toya said between breaths. "Does this mean you'll take me out on patrols with you?" Koichi asked with curiosity written on his face. "Yes. But first, we got to get you a costume and come up with a vigilante name for you." Toya explained. "Would it be okay if I design my vigilante costume? I mean I kinda already started so I was wondering..." Koichi asked. "Sure. Just make sure it's not too crazy. And remember you don't want to be seen so make sure you choose dark colors." Toya said as some of the others came busting into the room. "Did he do it? Did you take you take him down, Koichi-kun?" Himiko asked super excited. "Yep! Now all I need is a costume and a vigilante name for myself." He replied back with a smile. "How about you do that in the morning, son? You look tired and you two were in here for a good three hours." Hisashi said. "I guess it can wait." Koichi yawned. Hisashi decided to carry him to bed since he nearly tripped over his feet trying to walk out the room.

    In the morning, Koichi got to work on finishing his costume design. Toya mentioned that he knows a guy that can make his vigilante costume. He still hasn't thought about a name yet, but eventually the right one will come to mind. "Good morning, son." Hisashi said. "Morning." Koichi said without looking up. "How's it going? Have you decided on a name, yet?" Koichi looked up at his dad. "No, not yet." Soon, the others came out of their rooms. "Good morning, Koichi-kun!" Toga greeted. "Morning guys!" Toya just waved and went to get coffee. "Hey, Koichi. How's it going?" Tenko asked. "I'm almost done with my costume design, but I can't decide on what name to use." Koichi looked back at his sketch. "How about Nokemono?" Tenko suggested. "Nokemono?" He asked wondering where that came from. "I figured you probably felt like an outcast in your old life and the name literally means outcast. Just a suggestion." "Interesting." Koichi mumbled. "I like it! Thanks Ten-chan!" He jumped up and hugged Tenko. He laughed at his enthusiasm and hugged Koichi back thankful he remembered his gloves.

    Later that day, Koichi finished the sketch and handed it off to Toya to inspect. "Not bad, squirt. I like it. I'll see to it that this gets made soon so I can take you out on patrols, ok?" Toya approved. "Thanks To-chan!" Koichi was happy. Soon, he'll be able to go on patrols and help stop bad guys like Toya. He also told Koichi about Eraserhead and to remember to annoy the absolute shit out of this guy. The chaos that was about to follow the start of his vigilante career is going to be great.

A week after Toya's approval, Koichi finally received his vigilante costume and got to go on his first patrol. Toya told him to call him Dabi when out on patrols and to remember to go by Nokemono as well. "First, I want you to watch me so you get the idea of what to do. Then, I'll let you take one down on your own. Got it?" Dabi informed him. "Alright." Once finished suiting up, they took off hopping from roof to roof. After a few minutes, they heard a scream an ally two blocks away. When they arrived, they saw a man trying to rob a person. "Watch." Dabi mouthed to Nokemono and jumped down to deal with the guy. The man who was trying to rob the person didn't hear Dabi approaching him. Before anyone could react, Dabi kicked the weapon out of his hand and knocked him out. "Are you okay?" He asked the victim. "Yes. Thank you for saving me." Once he was certain they were okay, he told them to call the police to come pick up the thief. Dabi then climbed back onto the roof and went over what happened with Nokemono.

    Eventually, the patrol came to the end. Dabi let Nokemono take out a few thugs here and there and collect a couple new quirks. He did good for a first timer. This was just the start for making a name for himself. When they got back home, Kurogiri greeted them with a warning to be quiet. Hisashi was asleep on the couch having waited for them to get back. He was worried something might happen and couldn't relax. Koichi decided to lay on the couch with his dad. He was too tired to go to his own bed, and he wants the first thing his dad sees when he wakes up is him so he knows his son is okay.

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