𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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"Okay. We got 10 months to train you for the entrance exams and prepare your body to handle my quirk. Think you can handle it?" Toshinori asked his daughter. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." Temari answered back. "Good. Now let's get to work!" Toshinori announced going into his buff form.

~9 months til exams~

"Come on, Shoto! Can't you please train with me?" Kora tried getting her brother to join her. "No thanks. I'm going to train by myself." The stoic teen left her to go practice elsewhere.

"KAT! WE NEED TO TRAIN FOR THE ENTRANCE EXAM SO HURRY UP!" Hikari shouted at her brother. "SHUT UP!! I DON'T NEED YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO! AND I'M NOT TRAINING WITH YOU! I'M TRAINING WITH MY FRIEND!" Katsuki shouted back at her. "STOP SHOUTING BOTH OF YOU!" Mitsuki yelled after them. "STAY OUT OF THIS, MA!" The twins yelled back.

~8 months til exams~

"So you and Katsuki are training together?" Hisashi asked his son. "Dad, I know what you're thinking. Stop." Koichi said. "I've seen the way you two look at each other-" "I SAID STOP!" Koichi threw a pillow at his dad. Hisashi dodged the pillow and left laughing to let his son finish getting ready.

    "Hey! About time you got here!" Katsuki shouted. "Yeah! I would have gotten here sooner but my dad decided to embarrass me and convinced the others we were going on some sort of date. I'm never going to hear the end of it." Koichi sighed while Katsuki laughed at his demise. "Come on. Let's start training." Koichi said to get a laughing Katsuki's attention. "Ok! Ok! But loser buys winner lunch!" Katsuki shouted getting a head start running. "Hey! Wait up!" Koichi shouted running after him. After a few hours of running with a side of parkour, Koichi just did beat Katsuki to the cafe they planned on having lunch at. "I'll beat you next time! Just you wait." Katsuki said between breaths. Koichi just laughed and led him inside.

    To their amazing luck, the extras were there. "Oh, you got to be kidding me." Koichi sighed. "Hey guys!" Temari greeted them. "What are you three doing here?" Katsuki asked her. "Oh! We decided to stop here for lunch after training." Temari explained. "What a coincidence." Koichi said under his breath. "KAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITH HIM?" Hikari yelled at her brother. "First, shut the hell up. Second, because we decided to have lunch here after our run." Katsuki explained while refraining from yelling at her. "WHAT DID YOU-" Kora slapped her hand over her mouth before someone decided to kick them out. "Hikari, you can't just yell like that! We're in public!" Kora whisper-shouted at her. "Tch. Whatever." Hikari stomped back over to their table. "You're welcome to join us if you want." Kora offered walking off to join Hikari. "No thanks." Koichi responded. "Well, please consider it." Temari said before joining her friends at the table.

    "So how's it going you two?" Aoi asked delivering their lunch. "Don't. Not you, too." Koichi mumbled. "It's going okay. We just weren't expecting to see them in here is all." Katsuki explained. "Well, I know you are both training to get into UA so good luck!" Aoi said. "Thanks, but we won't need luck." Katsuki replied. "If you say so." Aoi got back to work so they can enjoy their lunch in peace. "So what did you mean by not you, too?" Katsuki asked before taking a bite out of his sandwich. "My dad was teasing me before I left to meet up with you and I swear they were about to do the same." Koichi sighed and took a sip out of his smoothie. "Oh yeah! You were telling me about that earlier. Can't believe you have to go back home to that later." Katsuki said. "I'm already tired just thinking about it." Koichi sighed again. "You sure it's not from our little workout?" Katsuki asked him. Koichi blushed. "D-Don't say it like that!" Katsuki just laughed and took a bite of his sandwich.

"See you tomorrow, Aoi!" Koichi waved at them. "See ya!" Aoi waved back. "So wanna race around the city then back to your place and go a few rounds before I head home?" Katsuki asked. "What do you mean "a few rounds," Katsuki?" Hikari asked. Apparently, the others walked out after them and heard what he said. "A few rounds of hand-to-hand combat. What else would I mean?" Katsuki asked oblivious to the creeping blush on Koichi's face. Hikari gave the two of them a look before walking off with Kora. "See you later!" Temari said before taking off to catch up with her friends. "See you never." Koichi mumbled turning around to head home. Katsuki snorted and joined him.

    "Welcome back!" Hisashi greeted his son. "I'll be in the training room." Was all he said before taking off. Hisashi sighed. "He's probably still mad at me. Anyways, how have you been, Katsuki?" "I've been better. Wish I could get rid of my sister, but that's illegal." Katsuki said. They laughed knowing he was just joking. "Well, you two behave up there and consider staying for dinner." Hisashi told him. "Maybe I will." Katsuki replied before heading up to the training room. "About time." Koichi sassed. "Hey! Your dad was inviting me to stay for dinner. And I just might." Katsuki sassed back. After their anime staring contest, Koichi gestured to Katsuki to come at him. He smirked and warmed up his quirk. One of the many bonuses of training here is that they can use their quirks however they like.

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