𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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    "Thanks for dinner, Uncle 'Sashi." Katsuki said. "You're welcome, Katsuki. Just remember, you're more than welcome to stay over if you want. I don't mind at all!" Hisashi told him. "But dad, I'm going on patrol tonight! And what if his mom gets curious as to where he is?" Koichi tried protesting. "Relax, Koichi! It'll be fine." Katsuki tried reasoning with him. "...fine." And succeeded. "But only if your mom is okay with it." Koichi said. "I actually called her about that when you went to take a shower after training asking if I could stay over." Katsuki explained. "She said yes. Didn't she?" "Yep." Koichi sighed. "I guess you could sleep in my room. It's not like I'll be using it tonight anyways." Koichi mumbled that last part. He left to put on his vigilante gear while his dad and Katsuki started playing games with the others.

    "Alright, I'm heading west tonight. You go east. Got it?" Dabi made sure he understood. "Hai." Nokemono replied and the two took off in the direction of their patrol. For the first two hours it was quiet. There was like one, maybe two attempted robberies, but that was it. Okay, maybe an attempted murder, but the victim probably deserved it after talking about touching the person's boobs. Nokemono hasn't even seen Eraserhead, yet. 'Maybe he's patrolling the other side of the city tonight.' Nokemono thought to himself. Just when he was about to take off, the sound of someone landing quietly behind him was heard.

    "And here I thought I wasn't going to see you tonight, Eraser." Nokemono greeted him. "Nokemono, I haven't seen you in a few days. Where have you been?" Eraserhead asked him. "Oh you know, busy training for something, hanging out with a friend. The usual as we like to call it." Nokemono tried giving a cryptic hint to see how he would react. "What do you mean 'training for something?'" Eraserhead asked. "Think about it! I'm not just going to give you a straight answer!" Nokemono told him. "Then perhaps you will like to give me one." Nezu said popping out of Eraserhead's capture weapon. 'Oh shit!' Nokemono felt like he fucked up.

    "Hello, Nokemono. It's nice to finally meet you!" Nezu greeted. "N-nice to meet you, too. To what do I owe the pleasure, Nezu?" Nokemono silently cursed after stuttering. "I just simply wanted to get to know you. Is that so wrong?" Nezu inquired. "N-no! Of course not." 'Kill me now!' He wished death would come and take him away. "Now by training for something, you were talking about getting into UA. Am I correct?" Nokemono tensed while Nezu continued. "So that means you're only 14-15 years old. Much too young to be doing this. And by friend, I know you didn't mean Dabi since he is clearly an adult and I may have overheard him flirting with Hawks. So that means you have a friend who possibly knows about what you do. Which means it's just a matter of time before we figure you out." Nezu finished. Nokemono stayed silent. "It seems that I am correct on my assumptions." Nezu stated. The poor boy was ready to call it a night and head back early. "Let's meet up again sometime, Nokemono. Perhaps over some chess?" Nezu asked him. Nokemono gave him a nod, not trusting himself to speak, and took off.

    "Well, that was exciting!" Nezu said after Eraserhead dropped him back off at the school. "The young vigilante has green eyes." Nezu then said out of nowhere. "What?" Eraserhead asked confused. "While his mask may cover the lower half of his face, the hood and his hair can only hide his eyes but so much. I caught a glimpse when he froze up after my assumption." Nezu explained. Normally it's too dark to see his eyes and people think he has dark eyes, but Nezu got lucky. "Do you know what his quirk is?" Nezu asked. "No, but then again I've seen him use different quirks every time we run into each other." Eraserhead explained. "How interesting." Nezu said mostly to himself.

    When Koichi got back, it was only 2:37 a.m. "Someone kill me." Koichi said out loud without much thought to it. "What happened? And why are you back so early?" Hisashi asked him. "Nezu was with Eraserhead. He probably has enough clues to figure me out at this point." Koichi sighed as he went to hug his dad. "It'll be alright. Why don't you try and get some sleep? Katsuki is already out like a light." Hisashi suggested to him. "Okay. Goodnight, dad." Koichi said walking off to his room. "Goodnight, son." Hisashi then went to bed himself. When Koichi got to his room, he took off his gear and cuddled next to Katsuki in bed. "Hey." Katsuki mumbled when he realized Koichi was back. "Hey. Did I wake you?" Koichi whispered. "It's fine. You wanna talk about it?" Katsuki knew something happened. "Not right now. Maybe in the morning." Koichi mumbled starting to doze off. "Okay." Katsuki cuddled him and the two went to sleep.

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