𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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    "Good morning." Hisashi said kinda smug-like as his son and (boy)friend came into the kitchen. "No." Koichi said as he grabbed a mug. "Morning, uncle 'Sashi." Katsuki replied. "At least you care." Hisashi sighed. Katsuki chuckled and grabbed the mug of coffee Koichi handed him. "Thanks." Katsuki said before taking a sip. "Ahhh, just the way I like it." Koichi playfully slapped his arm and fixed another mug of coffee for himself. "So how did it go?" Katsuki asked. "It could've gone better, but it could've been a whole lot worse." Koichi said. "Wanna talk about it?" Koichi hesitated. He saw his dad give him a nod to go ahead. "I guess." Koichi took a deep breath and began telling him.

"I ran into Eraserhead last night. But to my incredible luck, he had Nezu with him." Koichi started explaining. "What?!" Katsuki shouted successfully waking everyone else up. "I think he's close to figuring me out. Eraserhead asked where I had been the last few days. I told him I had been training with a friend not thinking much of it. Then Nezu pops out of his scarf, tells me what he knows about me just from what I told him, and-" Koichi stopped. "What is it?" Hisashi asked. "When he started explaining, I panicked.....I felt my hood slide back a little. What if he caught a glimpse?" Koichi started breathing unevenly. "Koichi, I need you to match my breathing. Okay?" Katsuki placed his mug down and put his hands on his shoulders trying to ground him before it gets worse. Luckily, he calmed down after a minute.

"That's one way to start my morning." Toya said walking into the kitchen. The poor man only got three hours of sleep. "Sorry." Katsuki apologized since he was the one who shouted earlier. "It's fine. Anyways, we'll swap patrol routes tonight. Maybe I'll get to see Eraser for a change." Toya said hinting that he overheard what happened. "Okay." Koichi replied. "Are you sure you want to patrol tonight?" Katsuki asked him. "I should be fine. If not, then I'll meet you in my room sooner rather than later." Koichi tried to reassure him. "I trust you. So if you say you can, then I won't stop you." Katsuki hugged him. Of course, the moment was ruined thanks to the sound of someone taking pictures. "Dad!" Koichi cried as he buried his face into Katsuki's chest trying to hide his blush. Katsuki, on the other hand, accepted the fact he was taking pictures and encouraged him to take another by kissing the top of Koichi's head. "Stoooooop!" Koichi was done with life while everyone laughed.

"Morning, Eraser. What brings you here?" Tsukauchi greeted the man. "I got an update on the vigilante. He's roughly 14-15 years old and has green eyes." Aizawa explained. "He's too young to be out there doing what he's accomplished." Tsukauchi couldn't believe this kid would risk his life like that. "We need to find him and get him off the streets fast. He should be thinking about his future not running around at night playing hero." Aizawa said. "Agreed. I'll pull up files that match the information you gave me. I'll give you a call when I find something." Tsukauchi told Aizawa as he got to work. Aizawa hummed in acknowledgment and left. 'I hope the kid is okay.' Tsukauchi sighed.

    The next few days went on like usual for Koichi, except for the fact he couldn't fully relax knowing they were close to learning his identity. Katsuki stayed with him to help keep his mind off of it. He told his parents he was staying with a friend and they surprisingly didn't question him. "What do I do when they find out? How am I supposed to explain myself?" Koichi doesn't normally get this worked up over anything. "Relax. I'll try to help explain if you want. After all, you wanted me to know so it's only fair." Katsuki hugged him. Koichi took a deep breath and hugged him back. "Okay. But if they come to you first about it, call me and I'll come over and explain things. I won't be happy about it, but I don't want them to come here. For their sake." Koichi told him. "If that's what you want, then I understand." Katsuki said.

After searching for weeks, something finally came up. "Finally! A possible match." Tsukauchi had been waiting. However, he was not ready for who popped up. "What?" The closest match to the information they had was a missing kid. 'Could it be possible the vigilante we're after is the same kid we've been looking for?' Tsukauchi grabbed his phone to call Eraserhead. "What is it?" A groggy voice spoke from the other side of the line. "Eraser, I got news for you. The vigilante we've been chasing after might be the Yagi's kid that went missing a few years back." Tsukauchi said waiting for the gears to click. "Wait... You're telling me the vigilante is Izuku Yagi?"

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