𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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A few days later, they found a match to the DNA they got from the mug. Koichi is Izuku Yagi. Tsukauchi had been trying to come up with a way to confront him and ask why he ran away. "Here's an idea. How about we don't confront him." Aizawa said. "But why?" Tsukauchi asked him. "Simple. We wait for him to crack. He'll eventually realize that we know who he is and maybe one day tell the truth. Besides, he's trying to get into UA and most definitely will end up in my class." Aizawa told him. "Well... I guess if you drop a subtle hint when you get the chance that you know then maybe." Tsukauchi considered his idea. "It's settled then." Aizawa said and left before Tsukauchi could suggest anything else.

That night Nokemono was enjoying not seeing Eraserhead for the first few hours. However, all good things must come to an end. "Hello, Nokemono." Eraser made himself known. The vigilante had been sitting on the ledge watching the city when the underground hero came up behind him. "Hello, Eraser. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Nokemono asked keeping an eye on the man. "Long enough for me to have an idea of who you are." Eraserhead stated. Nokemono looked at him fearing the worse. "But I'm not going to do anything about it." "What?" He was confused. "I'm just messing with you." Eraser tried joking. "Why don't I believe you?" Nokemono asked. "Have I given you a reason not to believe me?" Nokemono thought about it. "Well... no." Eraserhead sighed. "Wanna spend the rest of our patrols working together?" The vigilante gave him a side-eye before nodding.

    Before they knew it, their patrols came to an end and a silent agreement to not take the vigilante in was made. "Well, it's been fun, but I best get back." Nokemono told the hero. "Same time next week?" Eraserhead asked. Nokemono nodded before taking off. "See you later, problem child." Eraser said watching the vigilante leave before heading home himself.

"Wait. Let me get this straight-" "Assuming that's possible." Koichi joked. Katsuki sighed. "You worked alongside Eraserhead last night and he didn't try to catch you once?" He needed to make sure he heard them right. "Yep." Koichi replied. "And you think he isn't trying to bring you in anymore." A nod was his answer. "And you trust him?" "Kacchan, we made a silent agreement not to try anything. Also, we plan on meeting up same time next week." Koichi said. "So now you're going on patrols with him?" Katsuki asked wondering what happened to the boy who was freaking out about the hero the other day. "Something tells me he knows, but at the same time, he doesn't want to do anything about it. Like he knows I won't go back." He explained. "This is a complete 180 from how you were just two days ago." Katsuki stated. Koichi blew a raspberry at him before getting tackled in a tickle-attack.

"I swear you're like a girl on her period sometimes." Toya joked after Koichi told him what he told to Katsuki. "How dare you." They gasped dramatically. "You just proved my point." That earned him a slap. "So what's your plan if he turns on you?" Toya asked. "Hmmm... I'll just come up with one along the way. Right now, me and Kacchan have one month left to prepare ourselves for the exams." Koichi said on their way out. "Okay. Have fun on your date or whatever." "SH-SHUT UP! It's not a date. 'Kay?" Koichi shouted running out the door.

"One month til the UA exams! You guys excited or what?" Temari asked her friends. "Oh yeah! I can't wait to show the others what a future hero looks like!" Hikari exclaimed. "I guess. Though Shoto keeps getting stronger while I'm falling behind." Kora said. "Hey! Just do your best and believe in yourself. And if you can't, then I will believe in you for the both of us. Okay?" Temari told her. "Same goes for me." Hikari chimed in. "Thanks you two! That means a lot." Kora smiled. "Now come on! We won't get any training done standing around." Hikari said.

    "You're seriously not going to do anything?" Toshinori asked. Aizawa had informed Tsukauchi that he confirmed their suspicions, but to his incredible luck, All Might just so happen to stop by after dropping off a villain at that exact time. "Well, not entirely. I believe he knows that we know so I plan on waiting for him to make the first move." Aizawa explained. "But-" "Toshinori listen." Tsukauchi interrupted him. "We understand that you want him back, but maybe he's happier where he is. You wouldn't want to take that from him. Would you?" Tsukauchi asked his friend. Toshinori looked between the two before sighing. "Alright. At least, if possible, do you think I could talk to him? I just want to know that he's safe." He said. "I'll see if I can make that happen after he comes out." Aizawa told him. Toshinori thanked the man before leaving. 'Now I just gotta hope the boy doesn't mind.' Aizawa thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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