𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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    "Calm down. It's going to be okay." Katsuki tried to get a pacing Koichi to relax. "How do you expect me to calm down when they've probably figured out who I am by now?!" He had this gut feeling that they knew and it was only a matter of time before they confront them about this. "Look. Even if they did figure it out, you look nothing like you did before. In a good way I might add." Katsuki said while not so secretly checking him out. "K-Kacchan!" Koichi shouted covering his face. Katsuki got up off the bed and hugged him. "I won't let them take you back. No matter what, I'll do everything I can to protect you." Koichi hugged him tighter feeling a little calmer. "Thank you."

    A couple weeks had passed and the detective still hasn't found him. "Any luck?" Eraserhead asked walking into the detective's office after dropping off a thug. "None. There have been no sightings of a boy with his description anywhere. But I did find someone close. He has viridian green eyes and freckles, but unlike Izuku Yagi, he has white hair." Tsukauchi sighed. "It could be possible he changed his appearance when he left." Eraserhead commented. "We would have to run a test to know for sure." Tsukauchi told him. "I know a cafe he frequents. We could try to catch him there for a chat." Eraserhead suggested. "Sounds like a plan. We'll head out there first thing in the morning." Tsukauchi knew Eraserhead wouldn't complain since that means coffee the moment they get there.

Koichi went to the cafe that morning without Katsuki since he had school. A part of him didn't want to go, but he just wanted to get out of the house. "Hey Koichi. How're you feeling this morning?" Aoi greeted him. "I've been better." Koichi replied not really wanting to talk about it. "One mocha coming up." Aoi exclaimed going to fix it. "Thanks." He sat at the table in the back. "Here you go." They said placing the mug on the table. "You almost always seem to know what to fix when I walk in." Koichi told them. "Let's just call it a hunch." Aoi told him. Just then, the last two people he wanted to see walked in. "Hello gentlemen. What can I get you?" Aoi asked them heading back to the counter. "Coffee as black as it comes." "I'll have a coffee with two creams and two sugars." The detective told them. "You got it." They went to fix their drinks after the men had paid.

'Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here.' Koichi thought. "Hey kid, shouldn't you be in school?" Tsukauchi asked. 'Shit.' He's gonna regret this. "I actually take online classes." He replied. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Tsukauchi and this is Aizawa." He said pointing to the man who took a seat across from him. 'Wait- when did he sit down?' "Hello. I'm Koichi. Nice to meet you." Koichi replied hoping he can remain calm and not expose himself. "What grade are you in?" Aizawa asked him. "I'm actually just about done with the last of my high school courses, but I plan on trying out for UA this year." Koichi answered. "May I know who runs these courses?" Tsukauchi asked. "Well, I believe Nezu was the one who made these if I'm not mistaken." Koichi said looking at the table. The other two shared a look that said 'This kid is taking Nezu's online courses?'

    "Here are your coffees, gentlemen." Aoi said handing over the mugs. "Thank you miss." Tsukauchi said. "I'm not a miss, but you're welcome." Aoi said walking back to the counter. "You got lucky." Koichi said suddenly. "Excuse me?" Tsukauchi asked. "Last time someone did that, it didn't end well." Koichi said before taking a sip of his mocha. The two men shared a look. "Well, their girlfriend, Rozū, normally gets upset about that. Something tells me she slept in today." Koichi looked away wondering if that was the case. Not even five seconds had passed when a worn out neko came through the door. "Aoi! Why didn't you wake me?!" Rozū shouted. "Sorry. I figured since you worked extra hard yesterday, you wouldn't mind a little more sleep." Aoi explained to their girlfriend. Rozū pouted and sulked to the kitchen to start making sweets. "Good luck." Koichi said teasingly. "Enjoy that mocha while you can." Aoi retorted as they went to check on Rozū. "W-What's that supposed to mean?" Koichi asked concerned for his mocha intake.

    "Well it was nice talking to you gentlemen," Koichi started, "but I best get going. Bye." He said as he got up leaving the cafe. "That might be him." Aizawa said after he left. "I feel the same way, but we'll need more proof to be sure." Tsukauchi told him. "Perhaps you can run a DNA test?" Aizawa said looking at the mug sitting in front of them. "I'll have to ask if I can borrow the mug to do so. I don't want it to be obvious that we're trying to figure out who he is." Tsukauchi said. "Can I get you gentlemen anything else?" Aoi asked coming over. "Actually, I was hoping I can take this mug with me. If that's alright?" Tsuakuchi asked. "I guess, but may I ask why?" Aoi asked. "For reasons I'd rather not explain." Tsukauchi said rubbing the back of his neck. Aoi gave them a look then sighed. "Fine. I guess you can, but you better bring it back next time you drop by. Got it?" They asked. "Of course. Thank you." Tsukauchi said grabbing the mug.

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