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"its been almost a week!" TK exclaimed to lucy.

they had been meeting up every day at the apartment since y/n missed 2 shifts. they tried to call the police but they couldn't find a record of her even existing. they still filed a missing persons report, however police in the city weren't exactly.. reliable.

"i know but what can we do huh?" lucy sat at the kitchen table with TK. "we might have to consider the possibility that she left on her own."

TKs reacted with a scowl.

"she wouldn't. at least without saying goodbye. i-i thought she and i were closer than that. plus something was off with that "peter" guy she was dating.." lucy rested her head on her hand.

"did you ever consider the possibility that your suspicion of him was based on jealousy?" they crossed their arms and spoke back with a defensive tone.

"jealousy? jealousy of what? I'm not jealous." lucy rolled her eyes.

"i know you have a crush on her, she knew you had a crush on her. its not like you hide it very well." they went silent for a moment thinking about if they were going to at last admit to lucy and themselves they liked y/n.

"Okay, so what if i have a crush on y/n? its not out of jealousy i promise. she's missing last seen with that creep. besides you only met him once and only had enough time to embarrass y/n in front of him. i feel it in my gut, she didn't leave of her own free will." 

lucy took in what tk was saying. she did agree some of the things y/n said about the guy were a little.. off-putting to say the least. there was a whole lot of strange going on here and its not like the police were doing anything.

"Okay fine. I'm not saying y/n was kidnapped, I'm not saying you're right about peter but it is suspicious. ill help you look into it if it'll eases your paranoia. I'm telling you though i was roommates with that girl for a few years now. one day she showed up answering my roommate needed to add out of nowhere. she didn't have anything but a backpack with a few things in it and in all the time I've known her she hadn't mentioned any sort of life before moving in. no family, boyfriends, friends, nothing."

tks had a sudden realization.

"but she's mentioned some to me including an ex of hers named jeff. i can't believe i didn't think about it sooner. oh, lucy y/n is in serious trouble."

Tk was full of worry as lucy was full of questions.

"what do you mean?" lucy asked.

"You're going to need to sit down for this one.."

A Your Boyfriend/Jeff The Killer Fan Fiction (reader x peter Or Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now