preparing for the worst

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Narrator pov

After explaining it all the Lucy she looked at tk like they were insane.

"You know how absolutely insane that sounds right?"

Lucy was leaning against the kitchen counter giving TK a look of skepticism. TK looked dead serious however.

"No, no its true! Y/N wouldn't lie about that espically when she doesn't talk about anything else to do with her life before she moved here."

Lucy looked as if she was becoming more and more convinced.

"Okay, let's say all if this is true how are we supposed to find peter or Jeff?"

Tk pulled out there phone and quickly typed something into it. They held up the phone to Lucy and there on the glowing screen was a YouTube channel.

"Hes a product tester, I have been researching him for awhile now."

Lucy took the phone and briefly scrolled through the selection of videos.

"How will this help?"

Tk snatched back there phone starting to get irrated at Lucy's continued questions.

"Because it helped me find his Facebook. I scrolled through his friends list and found his mother and on her page was his address listed when she visited last spring."

Lucy examined the address seeing the information.

"Don't you think that's a little bit odd that he didn't think to hide his location better?"

Tk rolled there eyes.

"Yeah of course but the writer of this story did it for story convince. It's not easy writing a story mashing two worlds together with like 4 different subplots going on when they're relatively new to it."

Lucy nodded her head in understanding.

"Very true.. I'm still not really comfortable just hoping in a car to hunt down this address. We've already established that this guy is like dangerous right? What is he going to do if we show up?"

Tk annoyed, rolled there eyes again but knew Lucy was right. They closed the lap top and rested there head on there hands with elbows on the table. There face scrunched in a way that looked a little odd.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

Lucy asked staring at the strange look on tks face.

"I'm thinking, this is my thinking face."

Lucy tried not to but began to snicker a little bit under there breath at the funny face. Soon the contorted lips and scrunched nose of TK turned into a frown and the a glare.

"Would you stop laughing at me! I'm trying to think of a solution. Out friend is missing this is no time for humor. Espically if we think this guy has weapons."

Lucy's expression fadded back into a serious one, putting her hands on her hips.

"Lighten up TK, I know y/n is in trouble but we need to try and relax a bit. Being stressed out is just going to get in the way. Besides I already have a plan.."

They watched as Lucy disappeared into her room. That was followed by loud noises of romaging. Tk tilted there head to try and see around the corner towards Lucy's room from the table. However there was no clear shot.

The noises from the room became more and more strange. Loud clatter of things hitting the floor, hitting the walls. Things that started off sounding like various bedroom items such as a hair brush or maybe some handcream. It then picked up into stranger noises like plates or dishes. Then even stranger with noises of bells, what sounded like a clash of symbols. The whole time a string of profanities Lucy was screaming until she cheered finding whatever it was she was looking for.

She came out of her room holding a small pink safe. She came over with a smile and saw tk sitting with the most baffed look in there eyes.

"What the hell do you have in that room?"

Lucy smiled awkwardly, a bit embarrassed by the question.

"You know.. normal bedroom stuff. Anyway.."

She brushed off the subject returning the attention to the pink safe. It was about the size of a small laptop. She put I'm the code and carefully pulled what was in it out. It was a hand gun. That made tk spring to there feet and nervously tumble backwards against the wall acting as if it were an active bomb.

"Why the hell do you have a gun!!"

Tk screamed. Lucy hushed them down with a stare.

"The whole apartment doesn't need to know okay? You're worried about weapons right? I have this gun, found a baseball bat and a chainsaw."

Tk took there beanie off and ran there fingers through there hair trying to calm themselves. There was a reason tk and Lucy never hung out. Tk followed the rules to a T and Lucy, well she was known to bend them. Tk let out a long breath.

"I have SO many questions right now. Why is there a chainsaw AND a gun in your room?"

Lucy shrugs.

"They were a gift."

Tk eyes widen


there was a moment of silence between the two of them as tk put there hat back on.

"It's besides the point I guess. When I said I was worried about weapons I meant him having them. Not us having a lack of them."

They argued.

"And what exactly are we going to show up with then?"

Tk crossed there arms and angrily loomed at the ground having to admit Lucy was right.

"Okay, fine, you're right. This is all just so, so much."

There hands covered there face trying to take long breaths but there was clear worry and cracks of voice.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We're both smart capable people right? You alone have figured it out this far. For the moment we have each other and most importantly the element of suprise."

She put the gun down and put her hands om tk shoulders. She smiled full of care.

"It's going to be okay. For now let's just focus on getting over to the address."

Tk nodded. There wasn't much chatting after that as tk usually didn't talk much when they were this stressed. Lucy tried to make a few jokes but gave up after it didn't change how tk felt. They packed up the little busted red car tk drove and sat together in silence before tk turned the car key in the ignition.

"Are you ready?"

Lucy asked tk. Tk just shook there head as they pulled out of the parking lot.

A Your Boyfriend/Jeff The Killer Fan Fiction (reader x peter Or Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now