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Author's POV

When Lori Marshall was 15, she became pregnant with her first child by her boyfriend Rick Grimes.

Rick, although only 16 years old, decided to do the 'right' thing and drop out of high school and marry Lori. He managed to get a job at the police station as a filing clerk, before being allowed to join the police academy at 18.

Lori had, had the baby. A beautiful baby girl with tufts of light brown hair and baby blue eyes that sparkled with curiosity and excitement. Lori had fainted after giving birth and Rick was handed his daughter to hold first.

Rick fell in love at first sight. She....she was just so tiny and innocent and quiet. Her eyes looked up at him in interest and she seemed to understand who he was if her smile and soft coos were any tells.

He named her Charlotte.

When Lori woke up, she was disappointed that it was a girl and looked exactly like Rick. She turned her nose to the child and sulked.

Her refusal to care for her daughter left Rick to act as both a mother and father to the girl. Six years passed this way before Lori fell pregnant again, this time with a boy that was named Carl. Carl had her dark brown hair and Rick's blue eyes, he resembled both of his parents perfectly. Lori took care of him as best she could, but her irresponsible and selfish behavior made her unfit to do so.

Poor Rick was struggling juggling the house, two kids, his wife, and his demanding job. Charlotte noticed this and did the only logical thing..... she started taking up housework.

In 10 years Charlotte learned to clean, cook, tend to minor injuries, and sew. She made sure her grades were straight A's, helped Carl with his homework, and did everything she could to alleviate her father's stressful and slightly unhappy life. Of course, Lori couldn't stand for this and constantly picked fights with him.

Charlotte had resented her mother for her lack of care and affection for years, but to see her purposefully causing discord within her marriage for no reason other than to make drama? Charlotte almost hated her mother.

Everything came to a head however when the world ended.....

3rd POV
{~One month before the world ended~}

Lottie was begrudgingly dragged by her 18 year old friend, Darla Miller, to a college campus for a frat party.

She of course didn't know this before arriving, otherwise she never would've gone. Sadly, she allowed her father and friend to talk her into it.

"Just one night of freedom and fun!"

"One last chance to be a teenager again!"

"A little celebration before graduating from college early and going to nursing school!"

It was supposed to be a night of fun and a chance to let loose for the first time in 10 years, but sadly this night was not that.

As soon as they entered the frat house Darla ditched her and started dancing and drinking with the boys at the party. Charlotte had stayed there for 45 minutes acting like a wallflower before deciding to leave and take a bus home.

She was stopped however, by a college boy who had introduced himself as Trevor. He was nice and gave her a non-alcoholic drink before sitting in the kitchen of the house and talking with her. Lottie foolishly let her guard down and allowed herself to relax. His excuse was that he didn't want her or Darla to go home alone, and would drive them both once Darla was ready.

Unfortunately when Lottie had drank about half of the drink that was given to her before she started to feel sick. She told Trevor who immediately started to help her to the bathroom, but then..... she blacked out.

Lottie Grimes in the Apocalypse Where stories live. Discover now