Chapter 19

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Lottie's POV
"Hey" I heard a familiar voice call out making me look up from sorting through the baby clothes "Hi" I said with a smile upon seeing that it was Daryl.

He slowly entered the R.V. and said "I checked on Carl, he was awake and asked for you" I looked down at my lap and nodded "I'll see him in a minute, thank you for visiting him, you didn't have to, but it means a lot that you did" I said softly. Daryl frowns and squats down "Did something happen while I was gone?"

I bite my lip and ask "Did you find anything?" changing the subject "No...." He reluctantly answers seeing Carol nearby. She nods and says "We know you're doing your best, Daryl, we can't ask more than that" Daryl doesn't relax much so Carol attempts to distract him "We cleaned up. Wanted it to be nice for her and the babies, I think that they're gonna like it here. Better than giving birth on the road."

I release a slight groan and say "Don't remind me of that scenario" this makes them both laugh and I give Daryl a playful glare before taking notice of the white object in his hand "What's that?" I ask and Carol questioningly adds "A flower?" Daryl delicately hands it to Carol and says "It's for you, it's a cherokee rose."

Carol takes it and we both give Daryl a questioning look "The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the trail of tears the cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to uplift the mothers' spirits, give them strength and hope. The next day this rose started to grow right where the mothers' tears fell. I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother. But I believe this one bloomed for your little girl."

I give Daryl a look of absolute love, it was moments like this when I was convinced that this man held my heart in his hands.

"Thank you..." Carol says with a smile and I stand up and reach for it "I'll put it in some water" before I can however, Daryl gently grabs my arm and asks "What's this?" I look down and see that where Lori grabbed me earlier is starting to bruise.

Go to cover but Daryl stops me and gently raises my chin to make me look at him "Lottie? What's that mark on your arm?" Knowing that I can't lie to him I say "Lori and I got into it earlier..." Daryl's face morphed into outrage and he states "And she put her hands on you" it wasn't a question.

Regardless before I could answer he storms out and before I can follow him Carol pulls me back and sits me down on the couch "Let Daryl do what he's going to do" is all she says and I look at the door to the R.V. anxiously.

Rick's POV
I came back from looking up and down the highway with Shane and my first stop was to visit Carl. Lottie would probably be there with him, and if not then I'll check Daryl's tent and see if she's still there, napping.

I wasn't angry that she was there, I was relieved that she'd found a sense of security. I'll admit that I never anticipated that it would be with Daryl of all people. He was my age and he had a bit of a temper, but he was overall a good guy. I could tell that he was very protective of her, and he really cared about her, and treated her with respect.

That was good enough for me.

Before I can enter the house, however, I see Daryl storming up to me with an enraged expression. I immediately stop what I'm doing and call out "Daryl!" Catching his attention and making walk over to me before I can ask what's wrong Daryl immediately says "We need to talk. Now" I hesitatingly nodded and Daryl walked off making me follow him.

He seemed really mad, too mad to actually talk and this made me nervous. Daryl's usually very vocal when mad so to see him quiet like this was.... Scary.

He led me into the RV where Lottie and Carol sat on the couch. Lottie seemed apprehensive, even more so when she saw me "Dad-?" She starts but Daryl takes her arm, surprisingly gentle, and holds it up for me to see.

On it is a hand shaped mark that's steadily turning into a bruise. Panic fills me along with rage. I walk over and grasp her arm in mine, making Daryl step aside, and I ask "What happened? Who did this?" Lottie tried to brush it off and say "It's nothing-" "It's not nothing, Charlotte, now who put their fucking hands on you?!" I demanded.

Lottie flinched making Daryl put a hand on my shoulder and pull me back before subconsciously stepping in between us "It was Lori" he answered for her. I was trying to stay calm and not snap at her again, but I needed answers "How long?" I simply ask making her shift uncomfortably "Since she found out that I was pregnant.... I mostly avoided her and stuck with groups because she never did anything in front of others, but she caught me alone today, and.... She said some things about me....and Daryl."

That was all I needed to hear to make my vision go red. I stormed out of the R.V. and started hollering "Lori! Lori!" Daryl followed after me and Carol held Lottie back despite her protests "Dad! Dad, wait! Stop!" I heard her faintly yell after me, but I was too far gone.

Lori stepped out of our tent looking confused and slightly scared "Rick? What's going on?" She asked, and it took everything in me not to slap her across the face like she did to Lottie, but I refused to stoop to her level "What's going on is that you put your fucking hands on my daughter!" I snapped drawing other's attention.

Everyone circled around us and Shane got in between us, pushing Lori behind him "Now, Rick, I know you're upset, but let Lori explain-" "Explain what?! How she's been slapping Lottie around every chance she can get! Yes! Please explain to me why you decided it was such a brilliant idea to put your hands on my pregnant daughter!" I said cutting him off making Lori cry "Rick, I-"

"I don't want to hear it! Nothing you say is going to change anything, we're done" I cut her off and immediately go into our tent and start packing her stuff up "Rick?! Wait— What do you mean?" Lori calls out, but I don't answer right away. Instead I continue my work of switching the tents around.

I pack up all of Lori's things and move them into Lottie's tent, where I pack up Lottie's stuff and move it into Carl's and mine's tent. When I walk out of my shared tent with the kids, I see Lori standing there still crying but I don't feel an ounce of pity or remorse.

Not when I walk up to her and take off my ring and shove to her chest and into her hands.

Not when I say "We're done, this marriage is over, and I'm taking the kids."

Not when I walk away from her and head towards the R.V.

Not when I ignore her sobs and pleas for me to come back so we can talk it out.

I don't regret what just happened. Not even a little bit.

Lottie Grimes in the Apocalypse Where stories live. Discover now