Chapter 23

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Lottie's POVI was in the house in the kitchen with Carol preparing the dinner that we promised them

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Lottie's POV
I was in the house in the kitchen with Carol preparing the dinner that we promised them.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to see a potato" I suddenly commented "I'm just glad we're not roasting squirrels over a fire in the woods" Carol chuckled making me pout 'But I liked Daryl's roasted squirrel....'

"Thank you, Maggie, so much for letting us into your house" I said turning to the older brunette woman who sat at the counter making her smile and nod in return "What's this?" Hershel asked as he walked into the kitchen "Lottie and Carol are cooking dinner for us all tonight" Maggie explained "That's the first I've heard of it" Hershel said before pulling Maggie to the side.

Carol and I exchanged looks but didn't say anything. We both stop what we're doing when we hear Andrea alert "Walker! Walker!" Everyone rushes outside and I waddle ahead trying to get a good look at the supposed walker.

"Just the one?" Dad asked "I bet I can nail it from here" Andrea states "No no, Andrea. Put the gun down. You'd best let us handle this" Shane tells her "Shane, hold up" dad calls out "Hershel wants to deal with walkers" dad tells him as we walk ahead. I'm going ahead with the boys because there's something familiar about that walker....

Once we get close I gasp "Is that Daryl?" Glenn asks alarmed. Daryl is pale, sweaty and looking worst for wear as he clutches his bleeding side "That's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head. You gonna pull the trigger or what?" Daryl rasps out a question referring to the fact that my dad has his pistol raised at his head. He seems slightly delirious, probably from the heat and blood loss.

My dad lowers it and I go to wave to Andrea and let her know that it's all okay when I see her raise and aim the gun at us. Instincts take over making me shout "Get down!" I quickly latch onto Daryl as the gun fires and knock us both to the ground.

One of my ears ring as a warm liquid covers it "No! No! No!" I hear my dad shout as he rushes to our side. I sit up and Daryl raises his hand still slightly delirious as he cups the side of my face gently before pulling away revealing a fresh bloody hand. Andrea knocked my ear "I'm fine. Worry about Daryl" I tell my dad as I attempt to sit said man up.

"I was kidding" Daryl groans as he finally stands up. Dad and Shane hook his arms around their shoulders and walk him towards the house with me hovering by them anxiously "Oh my God. Oh my God, is he dead?" Andrea asks as she runs up "Unconscious. I knocked him out of the way and you just grazed me" I explained before gesturing to my bloody ear making her cover her mouth in horror.

"But look at him. What the hell happened? He's wearing ears!" Glen says freaking out and I take notice of his questionable taste in fashion before glancing at Hershel who is slowly approaching. I quickly yank it off his neck and stuff it in my pocket "Let's keep that to ourselves" I say making dad look at me and we share a nod.

"Guys, isn't this Sophia's?" T-Dog asks holding up a familiar rag doll. We all look at each other before heading inside.


Still Lottie's POV
"I found it washed up on the creek bed right there. She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere" Daryl says while grunting as Hershel stitches him up on the bed. I'm seated at his side holding his hand in mine

"Cuts the grid almost in half" Shane states from his position in the doorway "Yeah, you're welcome" Daryl says sarcastically making me squeeze his hand "How's he looking?" Dad suddenly asks as he places his hands on my shoulders in support "I had no idea we'd be going through the antibiotics so quickly. Any idea what happened to my horse?" Hershel asks ignoring dad's question.

"Yeah, the one who almost killed me? If it's smart, it left the country" Daryl says making my chuckle and rub his knuckles with my fingers "We call that one Nelly, as in nervous Nelly. I could have told you she'd throw you if you'd bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people have survived this long" Hershel tells Daryl who flusteredly grumbles in response. I giggle again and stroke his hair before pecking his head "He has a point, honey" I tell him which worsens his bashful state.

"He'll be all right" Hershel tells my dad "I hate to say it, but I'm with hershel on this one. Can't keep going out there, not after this" Shane says making dad walk over "You'd quit now?" He hisses out as he drags him away "What's that all about?" Daryl asks making me turn my attention back to him "Shane wants dad to call off the search" I say and Daryl's eyes nearly bulge out of his head at that.

He tries to shoot up but I pin him back down "Hey, hey, rest" I say soothingly "But-" Daryl starts only to be cut off by Hershel as he walks back in with fresh supplies "I'd listen to your girl, you pull those stitches it's gonna be a pain to re-stitch" Hershel then takes a seat next to me and starts working on my ear.

Daryl watches from the bed, still clutching my hand as he slowly passes out once more.

{~Later that night~}

3rd POV
Everyone is seated at the dinner table except for Lottie and Daryl who're still up in the bedroom.

The silence between everyone is thick and tense making Glenn attempt to break it "Does anybody know how to play guitar? Dale found a cool one. Somebody's got to know how to play" he says making Patricia answer "Otis did" and Hershel agreed "Yes, and he was very good too" they then revert back to their tense silence.

Carol excuses herself and goes to make up a tray for Daryl and Lottie before taking it into the room "How are you two feeling?" Carol asks and Daryl answers "As good as I look" making Lottie shake her head and say "A little tired, but we'll be fine" "I brought you both some dinner. You must be starving" Carol says as she sets the tray down on the bed.

"Watch out, I got stitches" Daryl warns "You need to know something.....You did more for my little girl today than her own daddy ever did in his whole life" Carol says unknowingly making affection and ride bloom in Lottie's chest as she looks down at Daryl's flustered expression with a smile.

"I didn't do anything Rick or Glenn wouldn't have done...." Daryl argues "I know. You're every bit as good as them. Every bit" Carol says before affectionately kissing the top of his head and doing the same to me "Watch over him?" She whispers making me nod.

When she leaves I gently situate myself on the bed before cutting up Daryl's chicken, ignoring my nausea, and holding up a bite for him. He gives me a look and says "I can feed myself" I chuckle and say "Humor me?" He grunts and takes the bite.

This continues until the plate is empty. I then set the tray to the side and crawl u to Daryl and snuggle into his uninjured side "What're you doing?" He asks "You scared me today" I say "I thought.... I thought you were gone" Daryl looks down at me and wraps his arms around me in response "I'm sorry..." he murmurs before I bury my face into his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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