Ascent of a new king

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Clank, clank, slash, clank

Sounds of metal dropped on the floor could be heard as Naruto, blindfolded, had destroyed 20 training dummies with a sword. His progress impressed his teachers greatly. Without magic, Naruto defeated the iron soldiers in just under 10 minutes. ''Impressive, my apprentice. You are becoming more and more powerful with each passing day.''

''I live to one day be worthy of your legacy, master. Have the dwarves finished making their armor? I am curious to see how it will look.''

''Soon, my apprentice. All good things come to those who are patient enough.''

''And of the Anbu captain, Yugao Uzuki. When will the transformation be complete?''

''Soon. In time, she will be a servant to the king of Arcadia. You don't seem to show any emotion regarding her fusion with a shoggoth.''

''I could care less about her. Or anyone from the Leaf. That life is behind me. Now, she is a tool and lives only to serve me.'' Naruto told his master, expressing his feeling regarding the Leaf as a siren entered.

''Forgive me for my intrusion, my lord the king, but a human female was found in Nod. The giants have taken her custody and is in Arcadia.'' the siren reported.

''And why did you not kill her, siren?'' Naruto asked, demanding why a human was allowed in Nod and not killed.

''Because lord Naruto, she had unique powers not seen before and she was being chased by shinobi who have been identified as followers of the snake man. We thought it would be of best interests if she were alive.''

''That is... understandable. Forgive me for cutting our lessons short, master, but I must see what this runaway has to say.'' Naruto bowed before his master and left.

Guren was a fanatic follower of Orochimaru, gifted with a rare bloodline that allowed her to manifest crystals. Sadly, in her last mission, Orochimaru left her to die when they were ambushed by a squad of Leaf ninja led by Tsunade. She escaped the fight and left Orochimaru, betrayed by the snake's actions. When the snake found out she was alive, he sent his men to catch her.

She ran to the lands of Nod, far west beyond the countries of Earth and Wind. The last thing she remembered was seeing a giant humanoid before being knocked out. Now, she was waking up and found herself tied, being guarded by women who had wings and feathers to hide their private parts. The giant who knocked her out was there also, and 2 small kids with long pointed ears.

''You are a long joureney away from home.'' a voice spoke and Guren was searching for the voice. She struggled to use her bloodline but nothing. ''Struggle all you want but the restraints will not break. You are not free till my word is spoken. You will answer my questions and I will decide your fate.'' Naruto finished and manifested fully in front of Guren.

''Do not be afraid of the sirens or the elves or the giant. They will not harm you... unless I tell them to.''

''Are you their leader?'' Guren asked to the blonde in front of her who didn't answer. Instead, the blonde stared with his cold, red eyes and the scar on Naruto's face was unnerving to Guren.

''I will ask the questions. Who are you and what association do you have with Orochimaru?''


''Answer my questions, woman. You have no right here. Now answer me, who are you and what is your connection to Orochimaru.''

''sighs my name is Guren and I am... was an associate of Orochimaru.'' Guren began and then told Naruto of how the Sound village was raided by Leaf shinobi, with Tsunade leading the charge. Orochimaru had escaped with Sasuke Uchiha and left her to die. Naruto then asked Guren about her bloodline and was intrigued upon hearing the answer. Naruto finally made his decision after much thinking.

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