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''The Akatsuki pose as much of a threat as any other, perhaps greater, to the nation and it's allies. Until the king's plans for the hundred year expansion are put into motion, we are vulnerable.'' the centaur master of war and armies, Chiron, said to the other members of the kingdom's war council. War was imminent and he was no fool. Only Naruto's power was suffiecient to protect them but the king couldn't be there in Arcadia at all times. Other planetary conquests and colonizations were in need of his power.

''Dangerous to the human nations perhaps, Chiron, but not to the city or the it's territories in Nod.'' replied the arrogant elf lord Alec. ''The safety of these... allies is of little concern to the greater future of Arcadia.''

Chiron and the others were not surprised by Alec's thoughts. Elves always did view themselves superior to other creatures. Both Furiosa and Chiron were fed up with Alek's blatant disregard for the allies of Arcadia. ''The king himself got these alliances for us, Alec. Don't forget that his wives are from these nations.'' Furiosa spoke up, not hiding her anger.

''A complete waste of time, if you ask me. Arcadia has plans for other worldly conquest. These humans are only good for breeding stock and cannon fodder.'' Alec nearly shouted, shocking everyone at that statement. Sure elves disliked humans but to go that far was a bit too extreme.

''You bow down to human queens, Alec, just as all of us. Our king is a human. Enoch is a human. Unlike the others whom you so despise, they are different. Sometimes, your views negatively affect your outlook on life, Alec.'' Chiron replied and before Alec could retaliate, Naruto came in.

''Hold your tongue or there will be a new elf lord in charge, Alec.'' Naruto said in an angry, threatening voice as he sat down. ''Hatred on humans is justified seeing what they did to your ancestors but to hold such views is fruitless. Do not be blinded by hate, Alec. You will be no better than the fools of the village I once served.''

''Apologies, my king.''

''And you better be true to your word, Alec. Many apologize yet only lie. An empty promise and I hate listening to it.'' Naruto said as he remembered all the times the 3rd Hokage lied to him, saying everything will be alright and that people will love him. ''This bickering amongst ourselves is pointless. The hundred year expansion is due for phase one after the week long festival of Arcadia's founding. Till then, all we can do is wait and enjoy the celebrations.''

''My lord, let it not be written that I doubt your power but... can we eliminate all Otsutsuki should we encounter them?'' Og, lord of giants, asked in concern. ''The Otsutsuki are numerous and more powerful than even a squad of elves. Can the kingdom's expansion be fulfilled?''

''Your concerns are noted, Og. We will succeed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the full power of Enoch Bauglîr. The same power passed onto me. We will crush them and our empire will be established, lasting for eternity.''

Wearing disguises, the Leaf team were on a caravan heading to Arcadia. They decided to wear disguises since they thought the king would order their execution in his city. A mistake that will later prove their downfall. Kakashi and Kurenai were in one caravan with the rest of the Leaf chunin behind in another caravan.

''Nervous, Kakashi?'' Kurenai asked her fellow jonin, snapping him out of his thoughts. The idea that Naruto might be in Nod was one that troubled Kakashi since the mission. Since Naruto was nowhere to be found in the Elemental Nations, even Sand, Nod seemed the best likely choice for his student to be there.

''Not really. Just... if I do find Naruto here... do you think he'll forgive us? After everything?''

''I don't know, Kakashi. I don't personally know Uzumaki like my students. But if he did, do you think he'll come back?''

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