Death of the snake

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Naruto, accompanied by Guren and Yugao, made camp near the border of Wind Country. 2 days ago, Naruto won the war in Mist and got the country and shinobi village as an ally for his kingdom. After that, he got word from his best spies that Orochimaru's base was in Grass Country. Naruto hated the snake very much and wanted to end his pathetic life himself.

The fire was bright and warm. The birds and animals sleeping under the starry night when Naruto felt the presence of someone watching him. He used his power to trap the man and bring the man in front of him. Imagine his surprise to find that it was his godfather, Jiraiya the toad sage. ''You.'' Naruto said in a cold voice as he saw the pervert again after 3 years.

''Naruto? You... are the king of Arcadia?'' Jiraiya exclaimed in surprise and both Guren and Yugao came to their master's defense.

''Master, are you alright?'' Guren asked in concern while Yugao turned her arms to become a multitude of weapons, protecting Naruto.

''I am fine and unharmed. Stand down Guren, Yugao.'' Naruto commanded and the two complied. ''What are you doing here, Jiraiya? I thought you would be somewhere else, peeking at women bathing in hot springs.''

''Tsunade asked me if I could find any information regarding the new mercantile guild that mysteriously popped up out of nowhere and was going to overtake the Haruno Guild and about the new king of Arcadia who won the war in Mist. Never thought it would be you of all people.''

''I was always full of surprises. And they asked you to find anything on my Elven Merchants? Tsk. The Leaf always was like this. Trying to eliminate any threats to their power, militarily or economically. A sentiment that arose from Tobirama Senju's policies. Shame my father died too soon to extinguish such feelings.'' Naruto's words made Jiraiya's eyes go wide.

''Father? Naruto, you know?''

''That my father is Minato Namikaze, your student and 4th Hokage? Yes.''

''Who told you? Only the Hokage, his advisors, the clan heads, Kakashi and Tsunade and me knew this secret. It's one of the Leaf's most classified secrets!''

''My master knew many things. His vast power enabled him to see past, present and future. Not everything but moments he wanted to focus on. Big events in this world.''

''Naruto, you have every right to be mad at your father for what he did and on Sarutobi sensei for hiding your parentage but please understand that-''

''Oh I already forgave my father a long time ago.''

''....... what?''

''He and my mother left a portion of their chakra in my body in case the seal guarding the 9 tails was near broken. The fox is already dead anyways. We had a nice chat and I decided to forgive my father. I understand why he did it... as a leader but as a son... that is an entirely different matter altogether.''

''Thank the sage.'' Jiraiya said in relief. ''Naruto, what happened that day shouldn't have happened in the first place. The council had gone behind my back and removed your chakra. I took you as my apprentice and you were under my jurisdiction but the council took advantage of me not being there and did whatever they choose. I'm sorry.''

''Don't be. Their actions made me wake up to reality. I could never become Hokage. It was all just the dreams of a delusional child who could not accept truth. I am not that child. Not anymore. I am free of that prison that is the Leaf and now, I am the king of Arcadia.''

''What happened to you, Naruto? What changed you to become... this?''

''A long story. Yugao, prepare some tea for our guest here. I have a long discussion with him.'' Naruto ordered and Yugao proceeded to boil some tea.

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