Otsutsuki downfall

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                     -Otsut Prime-

The remaining remnant of the Otsutsuki clan that will not become vassals to Arcadia joined the alliance between Momoshiki and Isshiki Otsutsuki. Isshiki, having survived the attempted assassination by Kaguya, had returned now that the clan faced near extinction. A great army commanded by powerful leaders was building it's strength not too far from the camps of Arcadia. Naruto would see to it that this resistance would be snuffed out from existance.

''What can they do, Nephtys?'' Naruto asked the female Otsutsuki who pledged her undying loyalty to him as well as offering herself as a concubine.

''Momoshiki is powerful but not as much as me or Draxus, my lord. His main ability lies in the fact that he can absorb chakra and release it as a powerful attack. His consumption of his foster father, Kinshiki, would increase his power but not too much. Isshiki has a power which allows him to shrink and enlarge objects. His durability is strong and skills in hand to hand combat are unrivaled. Out of the two, Isshiki is the stronger and even more so than me.'' Nephtys replied and her king nodded in understanding.

''I see. Tell me... Nephtys... what is the main view of Ishtar Otsutsuki? The wife of my master, Enoch Bauglîr?''

''She is closely related to me, my king. The main view of the clan regarding her is that she is hated upon since she betrayed her people for Enoch, who not only killed Glaurung but also killed over a hundred Otsutsuki shortly after establishing his empire on the planet. Many blame her as the reason the Otsutsukis have been set back by thousands of years.''

"You may leave and go back to your quarters. Tomorrow, we start the attack.'' Naruto told the Otsutsuki and she bowed down and left. 'Tomorrow... my enemies will die and the dream of my predecessor will be fulfilled. Arcadia will rule... for all eternity.'

(A/N: both Draxus and Nephtys Otsutsuki are stronger than base Momoshiki but not his fusion form and are far from the level of power of Kaguya and Isshiki.)

                      -next day-

The two massive armies looked at each other in deadly silence. On Arcadia's side were hordes of silver wraiths, cavalry, chariots, elephants, ships and siege towers along with armies of magical creatures. On the other side were the beast soldiers of the Otsutsuki clan that outnumbered the army of Arcadia, 7-1. Leading Arcadia was their king and his queens and leading the Otsutsuki remnants was Isshiki and Momoshiki Otsutsuki. A battle to decide who will rule the universe.

Even now, the godlike aliens shudder in fear. The mere thought of a lower lifeform surpassing their species was unthinkable but there before them, stood a human who will end the power of their species. The king of Arcadia grew stronger as Otsut Prime was well of chaos and dark energy that fueled his power, growing bigger everyday. The three powerful beings were in the middle of the field as their armies moved in to kill each other.

''Before I kill you... I want you to know something.  All the suffering I endured in my life... was partly the fault of your kind so consider this payback.'' Naruto said to the two Otsutsuki.

''We are stronger than you, you insect of a human. You are just some nightmare that will end.'' Momoshiki retorted.

''Yes. I am your nightmare.'' Naruto said as he teleported and punched Momoshiki across several mountains. Isshiki reacted quickly by shooting multiple rods but Naruto's protective barrier stopped them. Naruto prepared his Narada as Momoshiki came to attack him with a red chakra spear. Isshiki too took out a rod and came to fight Naruto. The king of Arcadia used his acrobatics to skillfully dodge their strikes and hand strikes and kicks.

Naruto used his Rinne-Sharingan's almighty push and destroyed the multiple rods aimed at him as he flew to attack Momoshiki. Blades clashed like flashes of lightning as the two moved as fast as light in the speed. Naruto threw Momoshiki down and rained a massive hail of over a thousand swords. Momoshiki dodged them but his left side got wounded by Naruto. The king of Arcadia then kicked Momoshiki in the face as he blocked Isshiki's strike. Naruto punched Isshiki and blocked the angry Otsutsuki's kicks and punches. Isshiki sumnoned two staffs to try to impale Naruto but the latter avoided them via somersaults.

Naruto kicked Isshiki in the chin and then a kick in the stomach. Momoshiki shot various lava, lightning and energy bombs at Naruto but the king was unharmed. The king of Arcadia used his Hades Ring and lifted boulders and threw them at Momoshiki. The Otsutsuki destroyed them but lost sight of his opponent. Then, Naruto teleported behind him and electrocuted Momoshiki. Naruto then used 'planetary devastation' to trap Momoshiki in a planetoid. The angry Otsutsuki came out in a burst of chakra as 6 stone dragons came to attack Naruto. The blonde slashed at them, the force of the blow powerful enough to casually shatter them to dust and Momoshiki made his monkey rock golem.

''Your power... will be mine!'' Momoshiki shouted as the golem came to attack Naruto.

''I think not.'' Naruto merely said as his armored Susanoo came out and destroyed the golem. Isshiki came to attack, thinking he could break the Susanoo but imagine his surprise when he couldn't even dent it.

The Susanoo punched Isshiki so hard that the Otsutsuki destroyed an entire mountain range and tens of kilometers worth of land. Momoshiki came to strike Naruto's tenketsu but the king phased through them. ''Time stop.'' Naruto muttered as time stopped and he struck Momoshiki over 300 times. The Otsutsuki fell to his knees in pain and Naruto kicked him away, several dozen miles in fact. Naruto used his gravity magic to pull the two to him and grabbed their heads. He flew up and threw them down, the impact creating a kilometer deep hole.

Isshiki still came to fight but Naruto simply punched him in the stomach. Naruto made two scythes of Amaterasu flames and jumped to attack Momoshiki, who used whatever strength he had left to evade them. Naruto jumped back and kicked Isshiki hard across the face and then stabbed the two. "It's been fun and all, but... I have to end this. My army has already teleported itself out of harms way... leaving you at my complete mercy.''

Naruto flew up to the sky, seeing the injured Otsutsuki and carcasses of their brainwashed cannon fodder. ''5 swirling dragons of destruction.'' Naruto muttered as 5 purple energy dragons manifested and came down to destroy his enemies. Some Otsutsuki tried to flee as the dragons came down and in an explosion that destroyed the surface of Otsut Prime, they were destroyed. Isshiki Otsutsuki was now nothing but ashes, if his body could become such after a blow like this.

Naruto came down and sat amidst the destruction. ''You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a

You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Your beauty never ever scared me
Mary on a, Mary on a cross.''

''I don't know why but I just felt like singing and it popped up in my head.'' Naruto said as he walked to a portal and returned to Arcadia, where his army awaited the return of their king.


Obito looked over at the 5 dead Otsutsuki clan members who fled the destruction of their home. No information could be retrieved from them since they were so close to death. Right now, he had a war to deal with after rescuing Sasuke Uchiha from his old teammate, Kakashi Hatake and his student Sakura Haruno. Having allied himself with Kabuto, the 4th great ninja war was underway.

The 9 tailed fox could not revived, this he had to admit but the Otsutsuki before him presented an alternative. If he could feed them to the demonic statue of the outer path, the husk of the ten tails, then they may serve as a replacement for the 9 tailed fox. A simply theory but one that holds great promise and power.

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