Sack of the Leaf

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The war council was in much heated discussion concerning the recent assassination attempt. Heated, not in a sense that there were two or more sides of the argument but rather, all sides wanted to declare all out war on the Leaf for their attempt. Naruto had given his word that war will be declared should the Leaf strike against Arcadia and everyone waited for his response. Alec, master of the elves, doubted Naruto would go through with this.

''The king does not want to declare war because he is soft!'' shouted Alec to the rest of the room. ''It is obvious he has sympathy for that village and would not carry on his promise. He is a weak man and only that! A man who has- argh!'' Alec was lifted up then his neck snapped. His dead corpse falling to the ground as everyone looked to see Naruto being the one who killed Alec.

''I had enough of his blatant bullshit. Tolerance is an element anyone can have for so long.'' Naruto spoke from his throne, his voice echoing through the now silent room. ''Mobilize the army. All silver wraiths will come to the Land of Fire and fulfill my promise of destroying the Leaf.''

''Marshal the troops!'' the centaur master of war, Chiron said in a loud voice. ''The king... has spoken.''

In the streets of Arcadia, the legions of silver wraiths armed with swords, spears, axes, knives, shields and bow were marching through to reach the gate. Every available soldier not a silver wraith too joined the march leaving only the city defenders behind. The massive siege towers were moved by the powerful trolls and the airships floated in the air, manned by elves. Naruto saw everything from his ziggurat and his wives too contributed their wraiths.

Naruto flew up as a lion ran out and he sat atop his trusty mount. He was in front of his massive army and he used his magic, aided by the elves, to open a massive portal to the Land of Fire. The war on the Leaf had begun.

                   -Hidden Leaf-

Just 2 days ago, Naruto's message reached Tsunade and she immediately ordered the complete fortification of the Leaf. She sent word to the fire daimyo informing him of Naruto's upcoming invasion and the daimyo ordered all the people of the land to move into either the fire capital or the Leaf. The entire fire monks were divided evenly and moved to both the two places. Second, Tsunade ordered trenches, fortifications, ditches and catapults be built hurridly to survive Naruto's onslaught.

After ordering this, Tsunade was furious over how Danzo, the elders and the civilian council went behind her back. All this was their fault and the village was going to suffer because of it. She personally led the charge to kill Danzo and the other two fossils. Koharu and Homura were executed but Danzo fled with all his Foundation assests (minus Sai since he grew fond of team 7). Mebuki and the conspirators on the civilian council were arrested and executed on the grounds of treason. The civilian council was officially dissolved from then on.

Tens of thousands from the towns in the country poured in out of fear and half the fire monks too were in the Leaf. The fire lord too had send 25,000 samurai to aid the Leaf's defense but Tsunade doubted if it'll be enough. Naruto had said he had an army of over 700,000 and while she didn't know if it was true, she knows that Naruto's army was far larger. Her instinct told her so.

In her office, she poured a cup of sake to drink just as a big, flaming boulder came to strike the village. Tsunade got up and headed to the top of the Hokage building to see the massive sea of soldiers not even a kilometer away from the village. The sheer size of Naruto's army was a sight to behold. It looked like a thick, black cloth covered the whole land. ''Raise the chakra shield!'' Tsunade shouted and the sealing corps did so.

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