The plan

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Tak Tak Tak

'Master told me to see the condition of young master but when i asked the maid incharge i found that they just put the healing portion and left! If master finds out then they are done for. What should i do?'
"Young master i am entering"

Knock Knock

Hans the best butler in the estate after Ron left , was given a job by the Count to see Cale's condition instead of coming himself to see his own blood related son's condition.
As Hans entered the room he saw Cale gazing outside the window perfectly fine with all the bottles potions empty.
'What ?Did young master healed himself in that condition? He was near to death door! It must have been so hard to do it alone without anyones help. I need to report this to count!

"Y-young master! I am really sorry to enter the room without your permission. I thought you were still unconscious."

"Tch, at least you announced you are entering. Go and bring some water and prepare my bath these lousyly binded bandageg are getting on my nerves now."
Kim rok soo had been in many life  and death situation, specialy with his ability instant that harmed his body to extreem it was prety much normal for him to withstand the pain and do unfinished work. The servants left him unattainded so that they can get rid of him.
'It's given, if i had died because of my wounds than they would not get blamed for not doing their job. A dead man cannot speak anyway'

Hans prepared the bath and left to report the count about this.

Cale entered the bathroom and sat in the bath tub while observing the gold lining every where. "I know i am too late to notice but i am really rich. After all this stupid shit gets finished i would go live in a country side with Hera to get my slaker life. I am sure she will like it too but... I feel like she behaves so much like someone i know in Korea. Maybe i am just dellutional."

He grabed a towel wiped the dripping  water from his body and went to wear the clothes left by Hans.
Now that he has his past life memory it has became awkward for him to let servants dress him up so he reffused the help.
'Lets go and collect ancient power i need to protect my self from Choi han next time i meet and from what i have found from Hans tomorow is the day when Bassen will leave. I need to do something about plaza terror attack. I can't let the future count get hurt can I?'

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