Dinner time

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Tak tak tak

"Go-good evening young master."
"G-g-g-o-od evening young master."

The news that how Cale was neglected but was still alive even if he was injured was allover the county. The count also took measures and punished the servants and banished them with a letter which will prevent them from getting job in other nobel houses.
'Haa i clearly remmeber i never hit them even by mistake but they are afraid of me even more than before. I guess it is natural as i am a trash.'

Well, Cale who is still unaware of what has happened in county walked to the dinning room where his family was waiting to eat dinner with him.
"I will open the door now young master."
He could see his father sitting on the seat of head he is not very special but he is realy a good count but he is a coward as a father 'his child looking simillar to his late wife is not a good of a excuse to ignore a child i lost my mother too he was not the only one to suffer'.
"You are late Cale" said count.
Cale set down on his seat and start eating, he could see his step mother and siblings staring at him.
Then his gaze fell on the count.
"Are you ok Cale ?"

'no it still hurts like hell.'
"Yes father"

"Thats good"
'If he is ok than i guess i can send him for that event that's good '
" Do you need something?"

"Yes lots of money"

"Oh h ok "

After dinner

[“Why should my father care whether or not some useless villagers are dead? This cup of alcohol in my hand is worth more than all of your useless lives combined.”]

Choi Han starts to laugh at Cale’s words as he asks back.

[“What an interesting thought. I am very curious to know whether you will change your mind or not.”]

[‘Shall we test it out?’]

That test was beating Cale to a pulp so that he was almost dead. The amazing thing was that Cale never changed his mind even after he was beaten to a pulp.

'Now that i think about i guess i lost my mind because of alcahol it is partialy my mistake but is he not older than me beating someone younger than himself and met first time in life is he muscle head like Choi Jung Soo. Huh? Choi..... Ha..ha..ha what a coincidence. Lets noot think about it.
Cale was inside the THE FRAGRANCE OF TEA AND POETRY when his record reminded him of his past event. "Record realy have advantage as well as disadvantage some times.
I should really start collecting ancient power"

Cale stood up from his chair.

Screech. Since Cale was alone, the sound of the chair being pushed as he stood up sounded pretty loud. He went downstairs and informed Billos who was at the counter.

“I’ll be back soon. Don’t clear my spot.”

“Yes, young master. I look forward to your return.”

Cale ignored the smile on Billos’s  face as he walked out of the tea shop.

“He didn’t break anything!”

Cale could hear someone’s voice coming from inside the shop, but he did not care. He needed to set the foundation to earn that Indestructible Shield today.

"Lets get over with this."

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