Holy looking shield

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The Indestructible Shield.

It is not talking about a physical item. The best comparison might be a mage’s mana shield. Something that does not actually have a physical form. However, it was very different from a mana shield, as it was closer to superpower than magic.

The funny thing was that the human who created the power, but ended up dying, was someone who served a god but ended up being excommunicated.

Ancient powers.

The heroes would find these powers, however, these powers were all supporting powers, not strong enough to be used as a hero’s mainstay.

These were the powers that Cale was looking to find.

‘Everything but the divine powers.’

Whether it be god or angels or devils, Cale did not want to get involved with any of them.

That was why Cale was looking for the powers that people naturally developed or came from nature.

‘That is the way to make sure I don’t need to put in any effort.’
“Youn, young master. Welcome.”

Cale just nodded his head at the baker, who bowed so low that it looked like his head might touch the ground, to respond. Gasp. He could hear the baker gasping, but Cale pretended not to hear it. He felt bad about how his trash reputation was making this baker so fearful.

“Give me some bread.”

“Excuse me?”

Cale pointed at all of the bread in the bakery and sternly responded.

“Everything from here to there.”

Clang. The gold coin that Cale took out started to spin on the counter.

“Pack it all up.”
The baker seemed to be frozen in place as Cale continued to speak.

“Two or three more gold coins should be enough for a week’s worth of bread, right?”

The baker’s gaze, which had been on the gold coin, moved to Cale. It was too much money to pay for the bread. Cale just stoically responded to the baker’s shaking eyes.

“I can go somewhere else if you don’t want it.”

“No, it is nothing like that! Young master! I will pack it as fast as possible!”


After taking the holy looking ancient power of shield Cale want to the slum and found the same red and silver coloured kitten who stoped him from going near the man eating tree.
' Hmm they are not that good at hiding even though they are from cat tribe maybe it's because they are still kid, I can smell the medicine i gave and the smell of the chocolate cake i gave them when they were in human form'.


The two kittens start to rub themselves on Cale legs.
" Well it's not a bad idea to adopt two kids right?"

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