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When the chaos was going on the Bartender had already informed about this to knights.
The knights soon came in and arrested for breaking the civil peace.
Although they suspected cale to be the culprit but this time there were witness who spoke for him along with Hera.

"Young master please return to mension and don't cause anymore trouble for us".

Hera didn't like the treatment he was getting for helping her.

'These scoundrel!!'
"what are you saying!! Is this how you speak to someone who was protecting someone. Something that you couldn't. Those gangster had entered the territory without identification card while you are still healthy and kicking!! Is this how you knights do you'r work?!"


The knights were astonished to hear that their young master was the one who stood up for helping.
'Is this some kind of joke? She must have misunderstood. Young master always throw bottles for fun to make trouble.'
Before the Knight can say anything the other people in bar started taking Cale's side.
"Yes we saw it with our two eyes , any one here can testify. Those brats were trying to hit the girl and young master throwed a bottle at him to protect the girl."
The knights couldn't say anything and everything just continued with there work.

Back to the mansion ~~~~
'Today was really hectic, i can't believe it my hands just slipped after seeing that girl in danger. '
'does she even remember me? '
"Nahh I don't think so. "

"Is there any problem with the bath water young master?"
"No" ' I forgot Ron hasn't left the bathroom yet. '
"Would you join your family for dinner? "
'It's been a while'

After the dinner
' same as always. Awkward '
'I should not have expected anything. '

The next day while going to city he found two cats starving and gave them food. But the problem is...
"I can't take you in"
"meow "
"Nope, my persona of trash would die the second "
"Meow!! "
* staring at each other *
"let's just find you an owner. "

After roaming around for hour he found someone perfect for this job as his smrik grew bigger.

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