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Cale had met Hera after 1 month of his mother's death.
After his long day of his father neglecting and doing the paper works as certain someone still doesn't know what his duty is and adding the fact that he had classes too
He was tired mentally and physically both. Ron was not present at the moment so Cale took out a robe , money and a necklace that can chage hair colour which was gifted to him by his mother.
As he traced the necklace with his fingers , the memories of his mother and her words came to his mind.
" Cale my dear it is a secreat between us that i gifted you this necklace okay ? This will come to a great use to you one day. "

Cale stoped his thoughts and sneak out of the mansion from the back gate .
'The security has become lax there is a need of inspection.' he noted.
The market even at night was as lively as it was in the morning. It was like these people are never tired and it was also like a inspiration to Cale who was very much tired of all tha things happening to him.

As Cale was walking the path he saw something interesting.

"Say that again if you have the guts!"
A girl of his age probably was beatinng two boys of 1or 2 years older than her.
'She is really strong if she is able to beat two guys older than her'
Than he saw a dog behind her all bruised.
'Ah so she is protecting that dog from them.'
After beating the shit out of them she ran away from the scene.
Cale ran after her and saw her going in a alley way. He followed but saw nothing.
"why are you following me? Are you their friend? Do you want to get beat up too?! "
'Oh well that was unexpected' "I mean no harm i just want to help you"

"How can i believe you? "

"I have some ointment with me you can use it on him. "


"Her..." 'so that dog is a female.'

She took the ointment and started applying on the dog." Don't expect me to give you money for this."

'What does she think I am.' "ok"
" What are you going to do with it now? "

" Give it to grandma she can take care of it, it's not like I can."

"Why? "

"Mind your own business you stalker. "

"You were following me "

"Well.. " 'I don't have anything to say '

After she was done she gazed at my necklace. ' Did she found out or just liked it ' she opened her mouth "What's your name? "
"Cale.." 'That was close! I was going to tell my last name too.'

"I'm Hera, thank you"

"oh well come"

That was the end of our meeting the second time I met her I was 17 ,in a bar doing my trash duty and my surprise when i saw her pissed off with two bulky man in front of her.

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