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Cale as always was doing his act of being a really good trash but as always trouble magnet not having any trouble causing element near 5 meter radius is not possible.

"Say that again! "
" Don't you understand human language oh I forgot that you are dirty rats, so you can't !"

To Cale it was amusing how the first time he saw her before she was fighting two boys and after so many years when he is seeing her she is again up against two bulky man.
'Seriously! '

It was not like him if he never researched about someone he found interesting so he naturally found about her background from a information guild by giving them few gallons gold ( which was not much because he used henistuse money and not the one he earned until now)

What he found was that she lost her parents at age 6, much younger than Cale and was living with her grandmother (which he was glad about for some reason ) but even she died when Hera was about 12 leaving her with a beautiful flower shop.

There were time when Cale thought of approaching her but then thought against it thinking that his bad luck might rub on her to.

Until today that is. Today he will have to do something or something bad really might happen.
The person she is talking to is someone who has hand in slave trade and his  Target of today.

Did you thought he was sitting around doing nothing after his mother's death?
No Cale Henistuse never stoped caring about this territory even after he was removed from his heir position.
He made his own information guild to clean the real trash roaming inside the territory.
And this guy there is his 526th target that he needs to take care of personally.

That bulky man  was  about to throw a bottle on Hera but cale was faster , he grabbed two empty bottle of alcohol and throwed them of those two bulky bears( actually humans)
The bottle broke on one of the man's head other  one on the back.

Hera was astonished by all means but had one thought in mind ' that boy looked so cool and hot while throwing those bottles💖 '
Wow what a thought in serious situation... Ahem!

Those men were very angry this time but knowing that it was that drunkard  Cale henistuse. They can only show their displeasure in expression.

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