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Hours prior..

Tuesday, October 19th.
6:30 p.m

"I'm so sorry for earlier I-" Alea says to Aidan, her voice annoyingly soft and genuine.

The way she looks at him is different than the way she looks at me, she looks at him like she wishes he was the only one here.

While she wishes I was never here at all.

It's disturbing, seeing them together like this, in this way. Considering she's never once had the same compassion she has for him, for me.

The first time we met she immediately assumed everything about me. She never once gave me the benefit of the doubt, and even now, she hardly seems to notice me now that he's here.

It's stupid that I even care.

I roll my eyes at them as I leave and let them be. Not bothering to waste my time nor energy thinking on it any longer.

Yet that fails completely as when I make it to the bar, my mind still lingers on the irritating topic.

Maybe if she was just with him to get back at me for ignoring her, then it'll be less bothering. But she's not, that's how she is with him. Naturally. Normally.

Stupidly though, the only reason I was trying so desperately to ignore her was because she's unreal. And I hate it.

She was wearing the simplest dress and yet she looked like a beauty in it, her black curly hair flowing down her body and her pretty pink lips puffy with lipgloss and her skin clear, no pounds of makeup spotted and her gorgeous honey brown eyes, stunning and sharp, made it so extremely hard to. She's always beautiful, makeup or not, sick or not, curly hair or not, dressed up or not, she was naturally that way.

She's always been the prettiest girl in the room, but for some reason, it was bugging me more than usual.

I could hardly think straight around her as I tried so hard to not feel my urges for her. The urge to-

"Hey, excuse me?" A voice rudely interrupts my thoughts, as I turn around I see a girl. Fair-skinned, boring brown eyes and thin brunette hair. With a horrible dark green dress on.

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