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                                  2 nights ago..


"So where are we going? It's 12:30 p.m, I should be in bed." Leighton complains for the 4th time this evening. His father has been very secretive about this "meeting" that they are having tonight.

Something feels off but Leighton can't tell what it is.

"Simply because you snuck off in the middle of the night without telling your girlfriend-"

"She's not my girlfriend." Leighton corrects, slightly embarrassed. His father rolls his eyes, his patience running thin.

"Whatever she is, don't-"

"Let my emotions cloud my intelligence. Yes, I get it." Leighton interjects once again.

"If you'd stop interrupting me, I was going to say don't let her go. It's abundantly clear that you haven't listened to my previous guidance, so I hope you will listen to this one."

"It seems she makes you a better man. I would much rather prefer it if you didn't have any emotional ties to anything other than this multi-million dollar company, but what can I do? Just.. try to follow my recommendation."

Leighton's not sure what to say. He wasn't expecting his father.. to say any of that.

"We're here. Prepare yourself, son."

"Prepare myself for what?"

As they get out of the heavily guarded car, he follows his father and the rest of their security detail to an ominous spot. It's almost completely dark and it's presumably in the middle of nowhere with no cameras insight.

Which is weird.

Because Erik Valak is a man of high security who is not known for.. secluded meet-ups like this one. He never goes anywhere without his security guards or cameras or places that are not designated.

This entire situation was unfamiliar to Leighton and it intrigued him as to what was going on here.

"This is the real reason I have passed down my company to you because you are the only one out of your three siblings who will do what needs to be done for this company to succeed and thrive," Erik says, his voice bold and loud and absolutely terrifying.

You would never know this man was close to dying with the way he acts.

"Bring him in." He demands, waving a finger at the guards behind them.

As Leighton observes his surroundings more closely and clearly, he realizes that they're in an abandoned warehouse.

"Father, what are we doing here-" And just as Leighton's about to finish his sentence, he's met by the entrance of two guards dragging a bruised and bloody man inside the room before throwing him at the knees of Leighton and his father.

He's screaming and crying and begging them not to hurt him anymore, begging them to let him live, begging them to let him go.

Erik Valak seems completely unfazed and unbothered at the sight, almost as if he's used to seeing someone this bruised and damn near close to death on the regular basis whereas Leighton can't even comprehend what he's seeing.

The young man seems to only be a few years older than Leighton himself, he's bleeding profusely from his nose, mouth, abdomen.. quite literally everywhere.

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