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November 11th, 2022

over 2 months ago..

4:39 p.m


"Hey, Jamie?" Leighton says as they drive from campus. "Hm?" He barely replies, he's so immersed in his phone he doesn't even look up. Leighton rolls his eyes, hating devices in this moment.

"Jamie." He repeats— this time harder.

Unwantedly, Jamie looks up.

"I- um, I.. I need you to do me a slight favor." Leighton speaks, almost embarrassingly.

Jamie shrugs. "Sure, yeah. What is it?"

Leighton doesn't dare make eye contact as he asks, "Can.. can you ask Alea what's her favorite quote from any book? Like literature." If Jamie didn't look interested 5 seconds ago, he did now.

A mischievous smile slaps on his face, staring daggers into Leighton.

He knew Christmas was a while away but.. he still wanted to get her something ahead of time, you know? Though, he knows she probably wouldn't get him anything considering their lack of communication these days.

Which admittedly, is on him.

How is he supposed to look her in the eye when everytime he does his heart breaks a little bit more?

He doesn't know nor understands why he cares about her. It's ridiculous, the affect she has on him.
She doesn't even know. She probably thinks he hates her— which couldn't be farther from the truth.

It would be so much easier if he did.

So much simpler.

"Aw, you're giving little John a gift? I can't fucking believe it." Jamie teases, the smirk on his face growing wider and wider with every word.

Leighton rolls his eyes for the third time in the past 5 minutes,

"It's not that fucking serious-"

"And don't tell Hayden or Aidan, especially fucking Aidan. I don't want it to seem like something's it's not."

Jamie raises his hands up in the air, "Okay, okay."

"I will." He agrees.

"Thank you. And never bring this up again."

"Yeah, yeah."


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