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                               Monday, April 12th

                    2:43 p.m


I drive through the gates of my parents house in Long Island, with Alea, Jamie, Hayden, and Aidan all in the car with me. Mia called me a little over an hour ago telling me to come.

The estate stands before us as we get out of the car. It's grandeur somehow both familiar and imposing.

As we make our way up the winding driveway, memories of my childhood flood my mind—lazy days by the pool, extravagant gatherings and meetings my father would have for work which he would make us leave the house for.

I don't think I have any good memories from my childhood and if I do they're all completely overshadowed by the bad.

"Holy shit," Hayden gawks at the large estate. I forgot that none of them have ever been here before aside from Alea.

"Close your mouth, dumbass." I tell him which he does embarrassingly, he didn't even realize his mouth was wide up in astonishment.

"We all know that's a little hard for him to do." Aidan jokes, which earns a shove from Hayden.

"Shut the fuck up ass eater." He teases, sticking his tongue out at him like a 7 year old.

Aidan grimaces in return and they go back and forth hitting each other.

"Can't take them no where." Jamie murmurs shaking in his head in disappointment.

Alea laughs, "These are our friends. Unfortunately."

A slight smile lands on my face as I hear the words "friends" come out her mouth. Some months ago, she wouldn't even acknowledge the fact that she could tolerate our existence let alone claim us as her friends.

I don't even think she knew what that word meant.

"Heavy on the unfortunately. Knock it off-" Jamie's cut off as the sound of the door opening turns all our heads.

The door opens and we're all greeted by Mr. Davison, the butler of the house. He bends his head in curtsey as he welcomes us in.

He extends his hand to guide Alea inside, his hand resting on her back as he welcomes her. I can see her tense up immediately as she jerks herself away from him.

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