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It had only been a month since Leighton last went to a party and yet everything seemed so foreign to him now.

The loud music that he once tolerated, irritated him. The large crowds of people that he used to be used to, was now nerve-wracking to get through.

Everything and everyone was aggravating him, making him regret going in the first place.

"You alright?" Hayden asks as they made their way through the crowd to a secure corner of the room occupied by some of their other friends.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Aidan?" Aidan was another one of his close friends and usually, he'd be with Hayden.

Those two were inseparable.

"Oh, he said he'd be late. Bringing a friend." Hayden replied vaguely.

"What friend? I wasn't aware he had any other friends." Hayden laughed but didn't reply to his question and Leighton didn't care enough to bring it up again so he left it alone.

"Hey! long time no see huh?" Jamie exclaimed. He was a tall, dark-skinned, energetic guy.

Jamieson was his full name but nobody ever called him by it as he's always preferred to be called "Jamie." They only met a few months ago, ironically at a party.

Leighton gave him a quick friendly hug added with a pat on the back.

"Yeah, I mean I guess. I didn't think it was that long." He replied.

He wondered what all he missed during the past month or even if he missed anything at all.

"Hard just not hearing from you, yknow?" Leighton nodded.

The next 30 minutes consisted of Hayden and Jamie debating about whether or not football or basketball were better.

Hayden insisted on basketball and Jamie insisted on football.

Nobody tried to stop the two from mindlessly arguing considering it was actually entertaining to watch.

While other people were dancing, drinking, getting high, etc, two complete idiots were arguing about sports.

Although, Hayden had had a great amount of alcohol and he was very much tipsy.

They were barely at the party for half and hour and he was already almost completely drunk.

After a while, Leighton had took a step outside needing some fresh air.

He also just wanted to get away from the all the noise, he didn't want to be there any longer but he sucked it up considering he hadn't seen his friends for a while and that was partially because of him and partially because of him not intending events like these.

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