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                                       last night

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                                       last night..


My father has cancer.

Something I've known for only a few hours and refuse to believe entirely.

So, how do you get something like that off your mind?


Go to a club.

The room sways gently around me, each movement feeling like a wave crashing against my senses. My mind is foggy, with thoughts lost in the thick haze of intoxication.

Everything feels slow and distant, as if I'm watching the world through a thick pane of glass.

I try to focus on the voices around me, but they blend together into an indistinguishable cacophony of noise.

Words become muffled whispers, dancing around my head.

I strain to make sense of them, but they slip through my grasp like water through my fingers.

My body feels heavy, anchored to the ground as if gravity has suddenly doubled its force. Every step is a struggle, each movement a task. I stumble and sway, my limbs moving in a disjointed dance of drunkenness.

Colors blur and blend together, creating a kaleidoscope of swirling patterns that dance before my eyes.

Shapes warp and distort, morphing into strange and unfamiliar forms. Reality becomes a fluid concept, shifting and bending with each passing moment.

My thoughts drift aimlessly, like leaves caught in a gentle breeze.

I grasp at them desperately, trying to hold on to some semblance of coherence, but they slip through my fingers like sand.

Time loses all meaning, stretching and contracting in a surreal dance of chaos.

And yet, amidst the confusion and disorientation, there is a strange sense of euphoria. A fleeting moment of bliss that washes over me like a warm tide. In that moment, I am weightless, free from the constraints of reality. Free from everything plaguing my mind.

But it is a fleeting sensation, soon swallowed up by the overwhelming tide of intoxication.

So I surrender myself to the chaos, letting it carry me away on its tumultuous currents.

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