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                              Saturday, April 10th

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Saturday, April 10th

                                        3.52 p.m




"Leighton! It's so good to see you, how are you doing?"

"Hey, Marrisa. What.. what are you doing here?"

I can never just sit and watch Law & Order in peace, and I definitely wasn't expecting nor wanting Marrisa Peters to come knocking at my door incessantly.

Where are Hayden and Jamie with the food?

"I came to see you! Just like the other 87 times I've visited you in the hospital during your recovery. Everyone felt so bad for you, multi-millionaire's son in critical condition was the headlines. I posted you on instagram, snapchat and facebook. You got millions of get wells and prayers from people. Oh! And it was even this fanpage on twitter dedicated to.."

And I stopped listening after that. I didn't even know it was humanly possible to be this aggravating, and I'm friends with Hayden Zhang.

I would rather listen to Hayden talk for a full 24 hours than hear her ramble on for even an hour, let alone a minute.

But maybe I'm being a little hard on her, she did visit me all the time. I didn't know it was 87 times, though.

I let her in due to the giant gift basket in her hands.

It's full of all my favorite snacks, candies and chocolates. Lots and lots of chocolate. And flowers. Cute ones.

"Thank you, I appreciate this." I tell her as she sets it down on the kitchen table.

"Of course. Anything for you."

I nervously smile. "Well, it was nice to see you."

"Really?" Marissa asks excitedly, like a child.


"If you need anything, I'm always here." She tells me.

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