Thailand cnt.

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Diya tried her best to ignore the feeling she had as she somewhat knew that this was wrong as Priya is married. Priya as well was going thru the same thing. The day few days passed by really quickly with Diya exploring Thailand on her own while Priya explored with Neel.

The Next Day,

It was way too hot to go out so Neel and Priya decided to stay in and go out at night. 

Neel:Hey Priya, what do you want to do tonight?

Priya: Hmm, I don't know. What do you suggest?

Neel: Well, we could check out some of the night markets in Bangkok. There are a lot of them, and they're really popular with tourists.

Priya: That sounds like fun. I've heard that the Chatuchak Weekend Market is one of the best. Have you been there?

Neel: Yeah, I have. It's huge, and you can find just about anything there. Let's plan to go there tonight.

Priya: Sounds good to me. What time should we head out?

Neel: We should probably wait until it cools down a bit, so maybe around 7 pm?

Priya: Sounds perfect. I can't wait to check it out.

Neel: Yeah, it's a really unique experience. And we can grab some street food while we're there too.

Priya: Yum, I love Thai street food. This is going to be great.

Neel held Priya tight, kissed her on her forehead, and then back to sleep with her in his arms.

Diya on the other hand also decided to skip going out today, insteed she wanted to explore the resort and swim. After the gym, she decided to hit the pool and grab lunch, since she skipped breakfast.

Priya's sleep got disturbed as she heard splashing and voices, as she walked out to the balcony, she saw Diya enjoying herself in the pool.

Priya: Hey, Diya! Good morning.

Diya: Hey, Priya! Good morning to you too.

Priya: Did you sleep well?

Diya: Yeah, I did. I decided to skip going out today and just relax at the resort. What about you and Neel?

Priya: We're planning on checking out some night markets tonight. Neel said the Chatuchak Weekend Market is really good.

Diya: Oh, that sounds like fun. I've heard a lot about it too. You guys have fun.

Priya: Thanks, we will. Why don't you come with us?

Diya: I don't know, I feel like I want to have some alone time today. But thanks for the invite.

Priya: No problem. Maybe we can all do something together tomorrow.

Diya: Sure, that sounds good.

After a while, Diya decided to get out of the pool and head to her room to get ready for lunch. She couldn't shake off the feeling she had for Priya. She knew it was wrong to have feelings for someone who was married, but she couldn't help it.

As she sat down for lunch, she thought to herself, "Why do I have to fall for someone who is already taken?" She knew she had to snap out of it and focus on enjoying her time in Thailand.

After a while Priya decided to hit the pool, she woke Neel up and asked him to join her but he could not. Priya felt a little disappointed that Neel couldn't join her for a swim, but she understood that he had work to do. She decided to enjoy the pool on her own and relax for a while. After a refreshing swim, she got out of the pool and grabbed a towel to dry off. As she was walking back to her room, she noticed that the door to Diya's room was open after all they rooms were next to each other. 

Curious, Priya peeked inside and saw that Diya was still in her room, relaxing on the bed with a book. Priya smiled and decided to go inside.

Priya: Hey, what are you up to?

Diya looked up from her book and smiled.

Diya: Just relaxing and reading. I decided to skip going out today and enjoy the resort instead.

Priya: That sounds nice. How's the book?

Diya: It's really good, actually. I haven't been able to put it down.

Priya: Mind if I join you for a bit?

Diya: Not at all, come on in.

Priya walked over to the bed and sat down next to Diya. They chatted for a while about the book and other things, enjoying the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the room.

As the day went on, they both went about their own activities, with Diya enjoying the resort and Priya exploring Bangkok with Neel later that night.

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