Back To Reality

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Diya had developed feelings for Priya during their time together, and saying goodbye to someone she had grown so close to was difficult. But she also knew that it was for the best, as Priya was married and it wouldn't be fair to either of them to pursue anything further.

As Diya boarded her flight back home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and longing. She knew that it would take time to heal and move on, but she was grateful for the experience and the new perspective it had given her.

Meanwhile, Priya struggled with her own feelings and guilt for developing feelings for someone other than her husband. She knew that she needed to focus on her marriage and make things work, but she couldn't help but wonder what could have been if she had met Diya under different circumstances.


Diya had finally reached home and as soon as she did, she broke down crying. Her parents became worried and so Diya explained what happened in Thailand. Diya's mum tried to explain to her that Priya was right and been an Indian married woman is hard and worst if you are from India. Your husband and your in-laws are everything. One wrong move and you can lose everything.

Diya's mum's words hit home for her. She realized that she had been selfish in her pursuit of Priya and had failed to consider the consequences of Priya's actions. She also realized that Priya's situation was much more complex than she had initially thought and that it was not fair for her to put Priya in a difficult position.

Diya tried her best over the last few months to just focus on herself but somehow she was unable to, somehow all she could think about is Priya.

Diya's friends could sense that Diya was not the same person anymore, that she was different, they knew she was drowning herself in work to get over Priya but she kept thinking about her day and night. 

Loveleen and Keri decided that they needed to talk to Diya about her situation. They invited her over for a girls' night and talked to her about how she was feeling.

"Diya, we know that you're still struggling with what happened in Thailand. But you need to move on and focus on yourself. Priya is married, and as much as you may care for her, you need to accept that it can't work out between you two."

Diya nodded, but tears rolled down her cheeks. "I know, I know. But I can't help the way I feel. I feel like I'm stuck and can't move on."

Loveleen hugged her friend. "We understand, Diya. It's not easy, but you have to try. Maybe try going on some dates, and meeting new people. You never know, you might find someone who makes you forget about Priya."

Diya smiled through her tears, grateful for her friends' support. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to try and move on from Priya.

Keri on the other hand, had a different plan. She knew Diya birthday would soon be coming up so she booked a surprise girl trip to Bali 

Keri knew that a change of scenery and some fun with her closest friends might be just what Diya needed to take her mind off things. She invited Loveleen and a few other close friends to join them.

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