Love Is Painful After all

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If you've made it this far in my story, thank you a million for taking a chance to read a random person's story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed this new adventure. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every one of you for all the love and support. Until wr meet again :).


Diya decided to call Loveleen and Keri to share everything that had happened between her and Priya. Loveleen listened attentively as Diya recounted the events, and then offered her perspective.

"Sometimes, the ones we love, we have to let go," Loveleen explained gently. "Love can be painful, and it's not always easy to accept. But holding onto something that is causing us pain can prevent us from finding happiness and inner peace."

Loveleen's words resonated with Diya. She realized that in order to move forward and find her own happiness, she needed to release her attachment to the outcome she had hoped for with Priya. It was a difficult realization, but she understood that sometimes love requires letting go.

Keri, who had been listening silently, chimed in, "Remember that love is a journey, and sometimes the path leads us in unexpected directions. It's okay to feel the pain, but also embrace the lessons learned and the personal growth that comes from these experiences."

Diya felt grateful for the support and wisdom of her friends. Their words brought comfort and helped her see that letting go of her feelings for Priya was a necessary step towards her own well-being. She understood that love could be painful, but it was also a transformative force that could lead to growth and new opportunities.

With Loveleen and Keri by her side, Diya embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery. She knew that although the pain of letting go would linger, it was a necessary step in her own personal growth and pursuit of happiness. Together, they would navigate the complexities of love, providing each other with support, understanding, and the strength to move forward.

Even though on that day Diya and Priya agreed to be friends, Diya never heard from Priya again after she returned. Priya had even blocked her on all social media platforms, leaving Diya uncertain about whether it was her husband Neel who influenced this decision. Nonetheless, Diya continued to pray for Priya's happiness every day.

Five years had passed since that time, and Diya was now engaged with her wedding just two weeks away. She had finally found happiness, yet thoughts of Priya would occasionally cross her mind. She wondered if Priya would be happy for her and how she was doing. Whenever Loveleen noticed Diya lost in her thoughts, she understood what she was thinking but couldn't prevent her from pondering about Priya. Priya had left a lasting mark that proved difficult to erase. Loveleen and Keri always hoped that one day Diya would be able to let go of her attachment to Priya and move forward.

Though Diya's journey had led her to a new chapter of happiness, the memory of Priya still lingered. She had grown and found love with someone else, but the impact of her connection with Priya remained. Diya's friends continued to support her, offering prayers that she would eventually find peace and let go of the past.

As Diya's wedding approached, she focused on the love and joy surrounding her, embracing the future that lay ahead. She chose to cherish the present and the new chapter of her life, while still acknowledging the mark Priya had left on her heart. Loveleen and Keri stood by her side, providing encouragement and hoping that one day Diya would find complete closure and be able to fully embrace her own happiness.


And just like it's the end...Bittersweet

Thank You to everyone once again for the love and support.

I am not sure what the future holds or if I may add on here later. For now its goodbye till me meet again . 

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