Feelings and Loveleen .

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Loveleen couldn't help but feel protective of Diya. She didn't want to see her friend hurt again, and she wished that Priya would just leave her alone.

But she knew that it wasn't her place to make that decision for Diya. All she could do was support her friend and be there for her when she needed her. She knew as well she needed tp push her feelings away for Diya and she knew this could break they friendship,

Diya on the other hand was thankful to have Loveleen in her life and for always supporting her every step of the way. Loveleen saw Diya at her worst and always made sure she was there for her. Somewhere along the lines, she started to fall for Diya and Keri knew. She always motivated Loveleen to express how she feels to Diya before it was too late and just when she was about too. Priya had entered the picture.

Loveleen knew she had to speak to Keri and inform her what just happened,

Keri : Hey Loveleen, what's up?

Loveleen: Keri, I need to talk to you about something. You remember how I told you about my feelings for Diya?

Keri: Yeah, of course. Did you tell her how you feel? what happened?

Loveleen: No, I didn't get a chance to. And now, Priya has entered the picture again. Keri I dont know what to do.I can't help but feel jealous and worried that she might hurt her again.

( Loveleen couldn't stop crying the whole time she was speaking to Keri  ) 

Keri: I understand how you feel, Loveleen and I am sorry. But you can't control who Diya spends time with. And you also can't keep your feelings for her bottled up inside forever. You need to tell her how you feel, even if it might hurt your friendship.It's never too late to tell someone how you feel. Maybe this is just the push you needed to finally express your feelings to Diya.

Loveleen: I know, but I'm scared.  what if it ruins our friendship? I can't bear the thought of losing her.

Keri: I understand your concerns, You won't know until you try. And even if she doesn't feel the same way, you can still be friends. It might be awkward at first, but you'll both eventually move on.

Loveleen: You're right, Keri. I have to take a chance and tell her how I feel. Thank you for always being there for me.

Keri: Of course, that's what friends are for. Just remember, no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you.

Loveleen wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She knew Keri was right. She couldn't keep her feelings hidden forever, and she had to take the chance to tell Diya how she felt.

Loveleen: Thank you, Keri. I'll talk to Diya tonight.

Keri: Good luck, Loveleen. I hope everything works out for the best.

Loveleen: Me too. Talk to you later, Keri.

Loveleen hung up the phone and took a few more deep breaths. She knew she had to face her feelings head-on and tell Diya how she felt. She just hoped that everything would turn out okay.


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