I Forgive You

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(Sorry for the typos)

It's Tuesday afternoon and Lauren has just gotten back from work. On her way in she grabs the mail and begins to thumb through it. "Liam hon," she said slipping off her shoes. "You have some mail here." She walks over and places three envelopes on the table.

"Thanks hon. How was my beautiful wife's day?" Asked Liam grabbed up his mail.
"It was good!" She said smiling at him.

"Hmm, junk...more junk...huh?" Liam stops and peers down at the letter in his hands. "W-what?" The name on the letter makes Liam's blood run cold. Helen Bucksaplenty.

"You okay Liam?" Asked Lauren, concern on her face.
"This letter...I think it's from my mother." Liam said softly.
"You mean...your birth mother? The one that treated you and your father horribly?"

"Are you going to open it?" Liam didn't answer her, he just sat there staring at the letter in his trembling hands. Then he quickly shook his head, clearing his mind of several flashbacks of his mother. He took a deep breath.

"I think...I think I will." He said finally.
"Do...you want me to give you some privacy?" Asked Lauren hesitantly.

"No, I don't want to be alone when I read it. I wouldn't want anyone else but you hear with me right now." Liam smiled fondly at her, at pulled her down onto his lap. Lauren smiled back and ran her fingers through his straight black hair.

"I'm always here for you, no matter what." Liam kissed her forehead.
"Ready?" He asked. Lauren nodded.

Liam carefully tore open the envelope and took out the neatly folded piece of paper. As he unfolded it, there was a short neatly written note. It read:

I know you probably want nothing to do with me, but if you can find it in your heart, I would like to see you. I want to make things right between us. Here is my number. Text me if you would like to take up my offer. If I don't hear from you, I assume you never want to hear from me again, which I understand.

(879) 111-4567

Liam read the letter two more times, still not quite comprehending what just happened. "So...are you going to agree to meet her? Whatever you decide, I support you." Said Lauren. Liam nodded slowly.

"I think..." Liam thought for a moment. "I think I might. I mean maybe she can tell me what was going on in her mind and why she hurt me and my dad the way she did. Maybe...maybe I can even...forgive her. After all Jehovah forgives in a large way. If he can, then I can try too." Lauren nuzzled her husband.

"You always did have such a big heart. You are so sweet and kind, and I love you very much." Liam hugged Lauren.

"I love you too. So I guess I should text her that I'll come." He said looking at his wife, suddenly nervous. Liam glanced down at the letter and punched in Helen's number. Then taking a deep breath he began his text.

Liam: Helen, this is Liam. I received  your letter. I will meet with you.

Liam sat there, staring at the phone, as if he can't believe he just texted the mother that had abused him and his late father all those years ago. "Why don't we give-" Lauren was cut off by Liam's quacking text tone. It was Helen.

Helen: Thank you, I really appreciate it. How does this Friday, at 5:00, in Armtree Park?

Liam sat silent for a couple more seconds, his dark eyes still on the screen. Then he responded.

Liam: That is fine. See you then.

"You okay?" Asked Lauren rubbing his back? Liam nodded.

"Yeah. I can't believe what just happened. I'm still wrapping my head around it. Just then his phone rang. When he looked down at the screen, Claude's name appeared. Lauren saw it too.

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