New Friends and Unusual Parents

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(Sorry for the typos)

It's a bright sunny day, and good friends Flapjacks and Zephyr are enjoying a row. Over on the dock, they spot someone they haven't seen before. Even though his back was toward them, they could see he had bright orange hair and green scaly skin. His dress attire consists of light blue trousers, a cream coloured polo shirt, and an orange tie around his neck. He was singing a melodious tune. His beautiful voice filled the dock.

"Hey Flapjack, who's that kid over there?" Asked Zephyr, eyes still glued to the unusual looking boy. Flapjack studied him a moment and out his knuckles to his chin.

"Hmm, I don't know. I haven't seen him before. Hey! Why don't we go say hello." Suggest Flapjack.

"Okay!" Agreed Zephyr enthusiastically. As they paddled closer to the dock, Flapjack called out.

"Hi friend!" The strange boy turned around and saw the two boys smiling and waving at him. He wore a cheery smile.

"Oh! Hello there!"
"My name is Flapjack, and this is my good friend Zephyr. What's your name?"
"My names's Arlo." They're talking to me? Don't they see what I am?

"Nice to meet you Arlo." Said Flapjack, stepping onto the dock. "Your'er a really good at singer. Arlo blushed, his green cheeks turning a deep red.

" heard me?"
"Yeah, but is sounded really good!" Piped Zephyr
"Well...thank you. I'm flattered." Arlo said, blushing once more.
"So, are you new to here? I haven't seen you around these parts."

"I am, me  and my dad just moved here." Flapjack threw his arms up.
"Well welcome to Stormalong!"
"Thank you!" Yipped Arlo bowing.
"So what's there to do around here?" Asked Arlo.
"There's lots!"
"Hey Flap! Let's take him to the carnival grounds." Cried Zephyr, give an excited bounce.

"Good idea. When Zephyr visited me for the first time. I took him to the carnival grounds. He doesn't live in Stormalong, he lives in Aurora, we have a playdate today. So feel like hanging with us today?"

"Sure! Thank you guys!" Said Arlo, looking over joyed. As the three friends made it to the carnival grounds, Arlo's mouth fell open, revealing tiny needle shaped teeth. "This looks totally cool!" His eyes fell on the large ferris wheel as he tilted his head back, marvelling at the beauty of it. "What's that?" He asked, without  tearing his gaze from carnival ride.

"That's a ferris wheel." Said Zephyr. "You see those little carts, there?" Arlo nodded. "Well, people sit in them and you go round and round. It's really cool, when it stops at the top. And you can even rock it!"

"Um, Zephyr, maybe we shouldn't do that, seeing that it will be Arlo's first time. We don't want to scar-

"Let's go!" Cried Arlo. He took off running. Zephyr and Flapjack grinned at each other then raced after the alligator boy. Once they got to the ride, they were fortunate enough to be first in line. "I can wait!" Exclaimed Arlo.

"Okay, Bud, let's measure you to make sure you are tall enough to ride." Said the ride conductor. When he held up the stick, Arlo stood up as tall as he could, even though he was well above the height requirement. "Great, looks like you're tall enough." The contractor smiled at him as he gave an exited "yeah" and pumped his fist in the air. He hurried to find a cart, Zephyr and Flapjack following suit. Arlo chose a bright yellow one with sparkling gold trim.

As they all clambered in, sitting side by side Arlo began wiggling with pure joy. "Boy Arlo," chuckled Zephyr. "You are sure excited."

"Yeah, we never had anything like this back at home." He said.
"Hey, where did you move from anyway?" Asked Flapjack, tilting his head.
"Oh, I used to live in the bayou." He said. Flapjack tilted his head again.
"The bayou?"
"Yeah, it is a place with a lot of mud and swampy water. It was kind of hot too, and sticky."
Did you like it there?" Piped Zephyr. Arlo looked thoughtful for a moment, and didn't respond for a moment. " was okay." Zephyr noticed a flicker of sadness in Arlo's eyes but didn't push the question any further. "But!" He said sounding up beat again. "I think I'm going to like living in Stormalong." He said grinning. Just then the ferris wheel lurched into gear and began moving forward.

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