Diagnosed- Part 1

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(Sorry for the typos)

It's a sunny Monday morning and Ica is on her way out the door with an excited Roary. She is taking him out for a walk then heading out for errands. "Claude, Zephyr, I'll be back!"

"Okay! Bye mum! Called Zephyr from the kitchen. "Daddy's making me breakfast!"
"Okay Zephy, I love you."
"Love you too! Oh, daddy says he loves you too!"

"Tell him that I love him too." She heard Zephyr relay the message and hears her husband deep chuckle. And with that, Ica smiled to herself and Roary yanked her out of the house. As soon as she opens the car door Roary scrambles into the back seat. He sits at attention, his long tongue lolling from his mouth ready for the ride.

"Whataya say boy, how does the waterfall sound for a walk?" Rotary gives an excited bark making Ica laugh. "Okay, waterfall it is!" As they drive, Ica rolls the windows down letting the wind buffet her dog's fur. She peeks in the rear view mirror watching his ears fly back. When the arrive, Roary can hardly contain himself, when Ica opens the door he jumps out and begins to take off in a run pulling her along. "Okay boy! I'm coming! Just let me close the door first!" Cried Ica laughing.

When their walk is finished, there are still a couple more errands Ica has to run. "Alright Roary, next we have to go to Target. I need to grab some things from there. And maybe while we're in there, you can get a toy." Said Ica leaning over the seat to give him a good scratch behind the ears. The golden retriever licked her face, his fluffy tail an golden blur. Not long they arrive at Target and once again Roary is excited to get out. She clips back on his leash. "Okay, look at me boy." Roary looks up and cocked his head. "No running. You have to be calm in the store. Alright?" Roary wagged his tail in response. "Good boy." She said patting him on the head.

After grabbing all they needed, they head to the check out. As Ica begins putting her things on the belt, her phone begins to ring. When she pulls it out of her pocket she sees Kalista profile picture on the screen and picks up. "Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you right now?" Asked Kalista immediately. Her voice was urgent.
"I'm at Target with Roary. Is everything okay?"
"No, not really." Ica's heart speeds up.
"Kalista, what's  wrong?"

"It's Morgana she's in the hospital." Ica's blood runs cold and the rest of her things she's holding drops to the floor with a clatter making Roary jump.

"Why? What happened to her." Asked Ica trying not to panic.
"I'm not sure, Wes just said that she was rushed there."
"Alright, I'm going there right now."
"Ica wai-

I am hangs up before Kalista can even finish her sentence. "Is everything okay miss? Do you want me to bag these things up?" Asked the girl at the register asked. Ica's head is a whirlwind of worry she can barely think. "What...um no sorry, I have to go. Come Roary." The girl gives her a nod of understanding and puts the items to the side as she rushes toward the exit of the store. Once she gets outside, she and Roary hop into car and head for home. In a hurry to get home, Ica finds herself speeding as the speedometer begins to push 90mph. Slow down Ica. I can't drive reckless. What good would that be if I get pulled over. She thought to herself. When she finally gets home she quickly lets Rocky into the house and turns right back around to get into the car to drive to the hospital. But before she reached the car, which was still running, hears the voice of her husband.

"Ica? Where are you going?" He looked at her confused.

"I have to go to the hospital...Morgana...she...Kalista called and... Ica can barley get her sentence out she is so discombobulated. Claude walks up to her and gently touches her face and looks into her worried hazel eyes.

"Take a deep breath." He said gently. Ica does as Claude said and breathes in and then out. "Now tell me, what's wrong."

"Kalista called me, Morgana is in hospital. She was rushed there this morning and I don't know what's going on. Claude, I'm so scared." Ica eyes brim with tears, but she wipes them away before they could fall. Claude gently kisses her forehead.

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