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It's a sunny Sunday afternoon, and with summer right around the corner, the sun was warm and inviting as it peeked through the master bedroom window awakening Ica from her slumber. She sat up and gave a satisfying stretch. When she looked over, Claude's side of the bed was empty. She smiled to herself when she smelled some delicious wafting up from the kitchen. Claude must be making breakfast. He's such a wonderful husband. She thought to herself.

The Canterfiction Tales

  She threw the duvet blanket off her legs in one swift motion and energetically hopped out of bed. When she went to get three year old Zephyr up, she too saw that his little green race car bed was empty and made up and his tiger pajamas were  neatly folded and put in his cubby. She smiled to herself again. And he's already got Zephyr ready. Yeah, he's more than just a wonderful husband. He's the best husband.

When she walked downstairs, she saw Claude stirring something on the stove with Zephyr perched on his hip, singing a cheerful tune to him in French. Zephyr's chubby freckled face was plastered with a wide smile showing his larger than normal baby teeth as he tried to sing along.

"Do you like papá's song?" Asked Claude tenderly.

"Yeah!" Squeaked Zephyr.

"I'm glad." Claude said, nuzzling him.

"Zephyr taste?"

Claude smiled. "Okay, just be careful, it's hot." Claude dipped the spoon in what he was making and blew on it before putting it up to his son's little mouth.

Zephyr took a small lick off the wooden spoon and his face lit up. "Mmm! Good!"

"You like?" Zephyr nodded quickly. "It's called créme de la créme or as mummy would say, cream of wheat."

"I have more créme de la créme papá? Please?"

Claude gave a deep chuckle. "Two more minutes and it will be done and then I can give you a whole bowl full. Oui?"

"Oui." Said Zephyr.

Claude smiled and kissed his son on the cheek as he gave the hot cereal a few more stirs. Ica watched them silently from the kitchen door with her heart swelling as she saw the bond between her son and husband. Gosh he's an amazing father too. I love this man so much. Just then Claude turned his head to see his wife standing in the door way.


He smiled affectionately at her. "Good morning mon amour, did you sleep well?"

Ica sauntered into the kitchen and kissed him, then her son, and wrapped her arms around both of them. "I sure did. Have I told you how blessed I am to have you in my life?"

"You did, but it's always nice to hear it again." He said kissing her back.

"Mummy! Papá made créme de la créme! It's yum yum!"

Ica leaned over Claude's shoulder to look into the pot. "I see, it looks very delicious."

"Well, let's all sit down and have some." Said Claude taking out bowls from the cabinet. Claude put Zephyr in his high chair and Ica sat down next to him. As his father promised he put a frog shaped bowl of the hot cereal in front of him. His freckled face lit up as he looked down at his meal. "Okay, I'll say the prayer." All three of them linked hands and bowed their heads as Claude said a prayer for the their cream of wheat.

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