Until We're Old & Gray

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"Until you grow old I will be the same; Until your hair is gray I will keep bearing you. As I have done, I will carry you and bear you and rescue you."

~ Isaiah 46:4

32 years ago, Ica McMoté, at the time, and Claude Frollo met in a place called Mercury Park, walking together every chance that was given them. They became quick friends even with the 36 year age gap between them. Soon however, they realized that they had come to have feelings for each other, but it was only after they parted ways for nine months. Claude, afraid of Ica finding out about his past, thought it would better if they not see each other anymore. Later, a charismatic man who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on Claude's door.  He was kind and caring and still took an interest in Claude even after he had treated him so harshly during their spiritual conversation. After seeing Liam in a café, while he was on a break from field service with his friends and his

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wife Lauren, they both apologized and Claude agreed to study the Bible with Liam. Eventually, he got baptized as one Jehovah's Witnesses, however, he came to find out that Ica had also gotten baptized when they saw each other at their circuit assembly. Of course Ica's family wasn't to keen on the idea at first, but as they continued to get to know each other as they dated, Ica's friends and family, eventually saw how much the two cared about each other. Not long, they were married and had a son a year later, whom they named Zephyr. Since then the two of them have enjoyed 31 years of marriage together as husband and wife. Ica is now 61 and Claude has reached the grand age of 97.

20 years later, Claude and his family decided to visit France and there he found out that he had a twin sister, Cliona Tremaine and instantly the part of his heart that was gone from losing his mother, father, and you bed brother Clement so young, was mended, and hers was too. Not wanting to be separated after just finding her brother she agreed to move back to America. In Aurora, Oregon. Not long after moving, Cliona hired a 31 year old man named Eli Deslauriers as her landscaper. Eventually the two of them began to become closer and they too, fell for each other. Like her brother and his wife, there were 36 years between them, but that didn't stop them from getting married. Soon after, Cliona phenomenally became pregnant and they had a daughter whom they named Emory who has grown up to be as beautiful as her mother at age 29. The two have enjoyed almost as many years together as the Frollos, one year shy. Like Ica and Claude, Eli is 61 and Cliona is 97.

Today, the Frollos and Deslauriers will enjoy a couples day, in which they do together 4 times a year. Today, they have a full schedule planned. First, they would enjoy an early morning hot air balloon ride, then they would have breakfast, after that they would be taking part in a geocaching event, then dinner.

Until We're Gray and Old


"Claude..." Said Ica gently shaking her husband awake. "It's four o'clock. Time to get up." Claude sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. When he looked at his wife she had an enormous smile on her face. Being 61, her laugh lines were more pronounced but nonetheless, she was just as beautiful as when she was 30 years old. "I can't wait for the hot air balloon ride."

He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "Me either mon amour. Although I wish we could have breakfast first." He said as his stomach squealed. I'm already hungry."

Ica bent down and put her face close to Claude's stomach. "Listen here Mr. Stomach, you need to pipe down. Claude can't feed you right now. He might throw up when we are hundreds of feet in the air. You'll have to wait till after."

Claude laughed out loud. "Oh my crazy girl. Only you would argue with someone's internal organs." As she sat up he pulled her into his arms and held her close. Ica laid her head on his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart. "But...I wouldn't know what I would do without you." He murmured into her now gray hair.

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