The Marvelous Misadventures of ZephyJack

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(Sorry for typos)

Papa! Mummy! Hurry up! Cried five year old Zephyras he ran ahead of his parents. "We're going to be late!" Claude gave a huff of a laugh and called back to his son.

"We're coming as fast as we can Zephyr!"
"Actually you know I can move much faster than that." Chided Ica. "And you can too old man. "Oh is that right?" Claude smirked. "Well maybe I want to enjoy a leisurely walk with my wife."

"Claude...that's so sweet." Ica looked at him with affection then suddenly pushed his hat down playfully over his eyes. "But did you seriously think we can can do anything leisurely with Zephyr?" Turning on her heels she went to go catch up to her energetic son.

Crazy girl, what am I going to do with you? Claude thought inwardly as he propped his hat back properly on his head. But none the less he smiled and hurries after his family.

When they finally caught up to Zephyr, he was standing on the edge of the dock peering out into the glittering ocean. "Guys, I don't see Flapjack yet." He said looking around. Ica put her hand on top of her son's head and stroked his hair.

"Don't worry Zephie bears, he'll be here." Not long after his mother had said those words, Zephyr sees a light blue hump coming toward them. Sitting on top of it was a little blonde boy.

"Look I think that's Buubby and Flapjack! They're here!" By now Zephyr was jumping up and down. From Bubby's back he could see Flapjack waving back. When the light blue whale finally swam up to the dock, Flapjack jumped off her back and ran right up to Zephyr and gave him a big hug. Bubby put both find up to her cheeks and gave them a wide eyed tooth smile.

"Aww ain't that sweet. My baby's finally got a friend." As Flapjack and Zephyr continue with their excited frolicking, she swims up closer to Ica and Claude and speaks quietly. "You know, Flapjack doesn't really have any friends, we'll except me and Knuckles. I'm so happy he has Zephyr." Claude smiled.

"Well, let me just saw this boy was so excited to spend the day with Flapjack. I don't know but you would have thought he had jet fuel for breakfast. He seems extra hyper. Anyway, we're happy that Zephyr can be here for Flapjack." Said Claude.

"Yeah, this kid makes friends with anyone. I think his uncle Liam's rubbing off on him." said Ica lightly elbowing her husband in the side.

"Yeah, you could see that again." Chuckled Claude. Soon Zephyr is running up to his parents, dragging Flapjack behind him.

"Let's go! The adventures await!" He cried
"Yeah!" Piped Flapjack.
"Well I guess we better get this show on the road." Said Claude.

Bubby signalled Flapjack over to hug him goodbye. "Bye baby. Be good for the Frollos okay. And have fun."

"I Will Bubby. Love you."
"Love you too baby."

As they head away down away from the docks, Zephyr noticed that Flapjack kept tripping. "Flap, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm- oof!" Flapjack falls down with a thump.

"Flapjack!" Cried Zephyr running to his friend side. "Are you alright?" Zephyr helped him up and Flapjack brushed himself off.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Guess I should watch where I'm going." He gave a little laugh. Zephyr peered at Flapjack, then reached out to brush his long blonde bangs from his eyes.

"How can you watch anything with your hair falling in your eyes?" Said Zephyr.

"Yeah, Bubby had been meaning me to take me to Dr. Barber but he um...scares me." Said Flapjack, cringing slightly. Zephyr turned to his parents.

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