Six Minutes or More of Adams Perspective: Part 1

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Adams perspective

"Bruce catch!"

In less then a second ball was slammed into my head at what felt like the speed of light almost, it also hurt, a LOT. "What the hell was that for Birdie!?" "Bruce language!" Dr. Anders scolded. "All I said was hell gosh." If I'm being completely honest I couldn't care less. The memories flashing from my old life have become more frequent and vivid as of late and I've decided not to tell anyone. I don't really know how to feel yet or where I belong, one part of me still feels like I belong at the bottom of the ocean but now another part of me feels like there may be something out there, something good in this world perhaps...

"Hey Bruce, Badger says he needed you for something at 4, he said he'll be in the garage, could you do that?" "Adam" I corrected without thinking, I mean I've spent my whole life being called Adam why would they change that? And with the name Bruce of all names! You can't even go with an A name like, Aaron or, Andrew. Just something that doesn't sound so drastically different! Anyways rants aside Holiday looked confused and slightly concerned. "But, you're not Adam anymore Bruce your-" "This isn't because I feel like I'm still a monster for trying to kill you all or something, it just feels better being called Adam alright?" Holiday continued to look at me except this time there was more worry in her expression. "Alright well uh, we were going to have a big family dinner tonight I'm sure mister Pasternak would have told you but just felt like letting you know in advance gosh have I mentioned how nice the weather Is anyways gotta go moms calling me to the car alright bye!" She quickly left the backyard and went to go home I presume with the rest of the Anders. If that wasn't the longest run on sentence I've ever heard my god.
After a bit I went back inside and thought about it, why was she so worried about me just wanting to be called Adam, unless, there's something more she's worried about...What could that be?

Eh, I honestly couldn't care less, I couldn't care less about LOTS of things apparently, plus it's not like myself to be all thoughtful and introspective cause thats really boring. I checked the clock on the counter, it read 3:48. Well Badger wouldn't mind having company early right? So with that thought I left to go see what Badger wanted me for.
"Hey Badge what's up?" I asked "AH! You're not supposed to be here for another like 20 minutes! get out!" "Alrighty then" apparently he did very much mind me coming in early, but I honestly had nothing much better to do so I sat by the door. For the next 14 minutes. A very boring 14 minutes if I do say so myself, eh it really wasn't that boring actually. It probably helps that I was just watching YouTube on my phone the whole time. But finally after the agonizing torture of 14 boring minutes I subjected myself to I heard Badger yell from inside, "Alright come in!" As I walked in I looked around and noticed Badger was hiding something behind his back, "Sorry for yelling at you, I just didn't want you to see the surprise I planned for you before it was finished..." A surprise? "What do you mean Badger?" Nothing much I just wanted to surprise you with this!"

A hoverboard was shoved in my face and then forced in my hands, "Oh, a hoverboard, like the ones you and Holiday have?" "Yep! And also Cam will be getting one soon as well! Just, as soon as we can figure out how to make a 126 of them cause she said she refused to accept any hoverboards until all her 'sisters' had one as well..." Badger looked kinda of dejected now. "Anyways, how about you name them now!" "Name it? Oh you're still going with that whole hoverboards like being named thing aren't you?" Badger chuckled, "Well yeah because it's true! Now what name are you going to choose for them?" I looked down at the hoverboard in my hands, I really think the whole naming hoverboards thing is stupid but, just to satisfy Badger I chose...


"SFB?" Badger repeated back, curiously. "Yeah SFB, it stands for something." "Oh! What does it stand for??" It actually stood for Stupid F-cking Board but I didn't intend on telling him that. "Don't feel like telling you." I said, "What! come on!" Badger whined and then sighed. "Well okay then I won't push you, say did Holiday tell you we're-" "Having a big family dinner at the Anders? Yeah she did." Badger chuckled and started heading towards the door. "We have to leave at 6:20 so I'm going to get ready early, have fun with your new hoverboard Bruce!" Adam, I almost repeated out loud before I remembered Holidays reaction. "Alright I will Badger! See you." He closed the door and left to go to his room or somewhere I'm not sure.

A Six Minutes Fan-Fiction Between Adam and Magnus.Where stories live. Discover now