Six Minutes or More of Mainly Magnus's Perspective: Part 4

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Magnus's perspective

As I rode in the car that I stole I checked the phone, which I also stole, 12:35 AM. I would need somewhere to stay the night wouldn't I? I drove around and looked for a hotel or just somewhere to stay really. Nothing caught my eye. There were two places I drove by but one had a drug deal taking place in front of it, and the other looked like it was probably infested by rats. I should probably try and go to a nicer part of the city shouldn't I? That's when I drove by someone laying on the floor, I didn't think much of it and drove right by them. That's when it registered in my head that, that person looked exactly like Adam...

I parked my car on the side of the road and walked over to the body laying on the ground. I turned on "my" phones flashlight and looked closer. There was no doubt that was Adam, oh my- I've had dreams of this moment! Of exactly what I'd do when I got my hands on his pathetic little body. I picked him up, looking around to make sure no one saw and threw in the back of my trunk. All of the plans I had made up in my head for him were when I had the assistance of Whittier Corp and wasn't technically homeless so I had to make due with what I had. I also took the hover board that was laying on the ground and tried to break it with my hands. But this hoverboard seemed to be more resistant then the others cause it not only got out of my hands, but then tried attacking me. "Woah! Not so fast hoverboard! Don't you like things hot?" I conjured up a fireball and threw it at the hoverboard. It dropped to the ground and started leaking smoke. I threw it in the trunk with Adam. Slightly annoyed, I started tying Adam up with some ropes that were in the car I stole and closed the trunk. But unfortunately I knew from way too much experience that Adam could probably find a way to break out of there if given enough time, so I quickly ran over to a local hardware store and started looking. I needed something strong enough to bind him until I got to a position where I could exact my revenge on him (fancy way of saying torture) and these hardened steel chains would do nicely! After threatening the employee with death and walking out I heard banging from inside the trunk.

12:41, six minutes was definitely up by now. I got ready to defend myself if Adam had gotten out of his restraints by this point. I opened the trunk.

Adams perspective.

"WHAT THE F-CK." I yelled as soon as the trunk was open. I expected it to be some sad child kidnapper who kidnapped me in hopes of getting ransom but I was wrong. Turns out it was my old friend Magnus! "Oh god don't tell me it's the literal f-cking human torch who kidnapped me..." "HEY! Be quiet or I'll burn you to pieces." Ugh, did he always have to wave around that threat? "Yeah like I couldn't tell! Anyways why'd you kidnap me, if your expecting me to give away Holidays information to you for whatever reason then I happily oblige! Her new address is-" "I didn't kidnap you for Holiday, I kidnapped you because I want to torture you Adam, I want to make you feel the pain you've subjected to me for SO long..." Oh, that was...Hilarious! He actually thinks he could hold me down for any significant amount of time with-

"What are those chains in your hands?"

"Oh these? Hardened steel, strong enough to hold whatever temper tantrums you may release while trying to escape."
Oh that was bad, really bad. I'm strong enough to break out of most things easily! Even some types of metal! But defiantly not that. I had to get out now. "What's wrong android? Leaving so soon?" He said as I tried to get up and make a run for it, which ultimately failed as I felt my right arm being torched by a fireball which had been thrown. "Haha! Aw are you scared android?" I tripped over myself as he pounced on me. It was a struggle to see who would win, I consistently had to dodge his flame hands as he tried to tie me up in the chains. "Ugh! Get off of me flame head!" And unfortunately it seemed Magnus won cause after about 5 minutes of struggle I could barely move.

A Six Minutes Fan-Fiction Between Adam and Magnus.Where stories live. Discover now