Stone Gossard - Indifference Part One 🔞

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I met him a while ago, July 11th 2014 to be precise. Although back then we were merely acquaintances, after he had helped me during an issue I was having with this guy in the crowd. You see, in 2014 I saw the mighty Pearl Jam play at Milton Keynes in London, I was due to go with my partner at the time, who decided to call things off because, and I quote "things were fading between us." Really what he meant was that he was screwing some other woman he knew from where he worked. He dumped me. I got him these tickets for his birthday, and luckily he said I could keep them. Unfortunately the show was the next day after he decided to end it with me, and I was a mess, with no one able to come with me to the show so short in advance. I decided to go alone because I love the band, really my ex's birthday was an excuse for me to get the tickets in the first place. I was 24 and thinking this guy would be my forever, but I was wrong, and it wasn't the first time some dick left me for another woman. I swear I must have the word 'mug' written on my forehead.

I travelled from Essex to Milton Keynes by train, which I had done before and it was an experience going alone, and I didn't mind.

I never imagined what would come of this show, I was standing in the crowd, the closest to the stage I had ever been, when some jerk and his friend decided to try their luck and flirt with me. They were drunk and acting like they were trying to one up each other with me, but I tried to ignore them. As much as I tried, they just kept pestering me.

"Hey, you want a drink, love?" one of the men asked as I shook my head in response. "Come on..."

"I'm good thanks." I reply, these guys now either side of me. I'm not gonna lie when I say I felt extremely intimidated by these men. One was a skinny guy with a shaved head and the other was a larger guy with mid length brown hair, both looked like their clothing choices were rejected by Oasis.

The band entered the stage and I smiled at seeing them. These down to earth guys, just walking onto the stage, not even flaunting their wealth, but to play an incredible set for us fans. Eddie Vedder walks on with his notebooks and papers, whereas the rest of the band pick up their instruments and start to play 'Once'.

I begin to move to the rhythm of the music, my eyes darting directly to my right at the guy playing rhythm guitar. Stone Gossard.

I had always kind of had a crush on him, he was a little older now but no less gorgeous, with his mid length hair and perfect gentlemanly smile and manner. He is dressed in jeans and a burgundy short sleeved tee, playing to the music like the professional he is. Oh and the pigeon dance he does to show that he's into the groove is cute.

They go from 'Once' to 'Garden', which is my favourite song of theirs, however my enjoyment of the song was dampened when one of the jerks beside me decided to squeeze my butt, underneath my floral skirt. I try to pay the guy no mind, but then his friend feels he can do the same. I try and move away from them both, moving around the crowds of people to get closer to the front, when those jackasses follow me.

I look back up at the stage seeing Stone look at me and I smile. He looks concerned and looks behind me, like he knows I'm being harassed by these jerks. He goes over to Eddie and says something into his ear before they start the next song. 'Indifference'.

Those guys catch up to me and my breathing is off, my anxiety at an all time high, like I can feel something is going to happen.

"Baby, why do you run from us? We'll treat you right..." The skinny guy says and the larger one, puts his hand back up my skirt again. I feel violated and after my break up with my ex the day before, I'm definitely not in the best way. The skinny guy pulls me over to him, his arm dragging my waist to meet his body before he plants one of the sloppiest kisses on my lips that I have ever experienced. Gross.

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