Two Birds, One Stone - Stone Gossard x OFC's (Threesome) 🔞 - Part 1

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This was an idea my friend Rebecca had.
Thank you Rebecca!!! ❤️

The streets of Seattle were bustling as usual, the sounds of heavy traffic and man made industry filling the City. In particular the mornings being the most hectic, due to the rush of people making their way to work.

The Starbucks at Pike Place has it's fair share of busyness during this time, which friends, Luna and Harmony know too well as employees of the coffee chain. It was rare they would work the same shift, however when they did, they enjoyed every moment. They also worked at a bar in downtown Seattle together, three nights a week.

Luna is 28 from California, has long, teased brown hair, thick black liner on her eyes and bright red lipstick at all times. She loves music, grunge rock to be exact and was quiet, making her somewhat mysterious. Although, she has a fun sex life, she wasn't in a relationship. It was all just fun for her, she was living her life to the absolute fullest, and had been trying to pursue a music career as a guitarist, which is how she met Harmony.

Harmony is 34 from England, and a petite blonde, with mid length wavy hair, with black eyeliner in a flick at the outer corners of each eye and brown 90's inspired lipstick, which suited her fair complexion. She was also shy, but out going and easy to get along with. However, appearances can be deceiving. One could think she would be into the pop music stylings of someone like Taylor Swift, but no, she too loved grunge rock music and had traveled to Seattle for that very reason. She too was having the time of her life and was single, so any sexual partners were usually one night hook ups, or two if she really like them. She played bass guitar, and like Luna, she wanted to pursue a career within the music industry.

The women met online and got talking and decided to start a band together, both moving from their respective cities, to Seattle, where many of their idols and favourite bands had made their name. Ever since, they have been the best of friends.

They were looking for a drummer, but work at both jobs was hectic, leaving them unable to find anyone.

The women lived in an apartment together in the city, where of was easy for them to walk wherever they needed to be.

After their shift had ended that Tuesday morning, they headed back to their apartment and decided to rest before their shift at the bar that evening.
Rest for Luna, would be jamming on her guitar and cramming in a bite to eat, when she wasn't strumming away.
For Harmony, it would be a nap and then picking up her bass guitar.

As the evening rolled around, they arrived at the Sunrise bar, for their shifts and quickly got to work behind the bar, serving customers, and getting eyed by the many men who wandered into the quaint place.

It was on this night though that they would meet the man they had always talked about and as budding musicians, they respected and loved his work. They also found him attractive. So much so, they would each have private fantasies about sleeping with him, although they hadn't told anyone.

He walked in, with a few friends finding somewhere to sit in the crowded bar, as Harmony caught a glimpse of him, and turned her head again, almost not believing who she was looking at.

"Luna!" She gasped, louder than she would have liked.

Luna quickly turned to Harmony after serving some customers, almost in concern at her gasp.

"Girl, you alright?" She responded.

" that.....?" She asked, pointing to the table, trying to get confirmation of who she thought it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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