Indifference Part 2 🔞

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It's gone on like that ever since.

Whenever he comes to the UK we find a way to meet in private and spend time together. We still do, even now in 2023.

Dare I say it, I've fallen in love with him and him with me. I even travelled to Seattle to meet him at a hotel in secret, when he told his wife he had rehearsals. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel awful for what we were doing though, the wife issue is always something I will feel bad about. Especially as her and Stone have kids together. We had a little argument, our first one actually last year, I told him I loved him but I couldn't be with him because he has a life at home, he said that he wanted me to stay in his life. I got emotional and walked out. The same thing always happens though, I end up going back to him. I don't know what kind of hold he has on me, but I find it alluring.

I held out on having a proper relationship with anyone else because of him. I went on a couple of dates with some guys but they weren't Stone, and I found myself comparing them to him. I shouldn't be this way and I know he doesn't think of me like that when he's with his wife, or maybe he does, there's just nothing he can do about it. I'm the mistress, in this game of life and I'm the sucker.

I took my date to one of Stone's shows once and Stone was not happy. The guy was eager with me and kept kissing me and packing on the PDA in front of Stone, however, he had no idea me and Stone were seeing each other. Stone took me aside and confronted me about the situation with this guy, I could tell he was pissed by the way he shook his head and spoke as if he was being short and sharp with me. "You're a fine one to talk" is what came out of my mouth, alluding to the fact he was married and was fucking me on the side. That night we had passionate sex in his hotel room, the first time with each other sans condom, and it was fiery. He wanted to "teach me a lesson", because of bringing a date to the show. We angry fucked, and Stone fucked me in front of a mirror and told me to keep watching him as he pounded into my cunt from behind. He came inside me, erupting and leaving me a mess. His cum filled to the brim of my tight pussy, before he fucked me again and came once more. 

A month later I had a pregnancy scare as my period started late, however it was to do with me changing the contraceptive pill I was on and every pregnancy test I did came up negative.

Stone's band mates knew about me, but outside of that no one else knew. 

In fact, right now I am laying with him after a sensual tryst, in another hotel room in London. My head rests on his chest and he's stroking my hair and occasionally kissing the top of my head as we lay in a relaxed state. We are content, loved up and happy in this moment...I just wish this was apart of my life every day...I wish I wasn't just his bit on the side.

Our fingers intertwined as our hands joined together. 

"God that was amazing." Stone says with a wide smile and a chuckle. "You never fail to brighten my day, babe."

I giggle and look up at him before our lips meet for a slow but sensual kiss. He knows me well after 10 years of hooking up, my body, what I like, the facial expressions I make when I'm happy or sad. He just knows me.

I sit up now and rest up against the headboard of the bed, Stone joining me and delicately placing slow but sensual kisses on my neck where he knows my sweet spot is. His hand kneading my right breast, nipple between his fingers as he continues to work on me. God this feels amazing but I have to speak to him.

"I wish I could do this every night to you..." Stone says with a slight growl in his voice.

"Then why don't you?" I reply, knowing full well the answer.

He stops his gentle worship of my body to look at me with those lust filled eyes."Baby, you know why."

I take a deep sigh and feel my breathing hitch a little.

"You know I wish this was more....I do...but I have a life back home." Stone says.

It's the same thing time after time and it frustrates me.

"So what is this life with me? Just some fun? I don't mean anything to you?" I ask, feeling broken. I love this man with all my being, yet I shouldn't. 

"Come on honey, not this again? We talked about this. I can't leave her..." he replies.

"So I have to wait at your beck and call whenever you want me? I have to be available whenever you want to spend time with me? I have blown off so many guys because they aren't you, because I hold out hope that one day it will be you and me. I'm the fucking fool." I express, as my thoughts wander. "Is it just me outside of your wife? You don't have a woman for every port of call?"

Stone looks at me with confusion in his eyes, "What? No of course not! You're the only woman outside of her. I wish it was just us, but I can't just end things with her. I care about her too."

I shake my head, that anxious and slightly annoyed feeling inside, building, tears forming in my eyes. My bottom lips quivers, threatening to burst into a cry. Instead I get out of the bed and start dressing, placing on the mini dress that Stone likes to fuck me in, just barely covering my ass, before I throw my Doc Martens on.

"Sadie, wait." he says, scrambling to get out of bed and quickly throwing on his clothing as I head to the door.

I turn around to see him.

"I'm making this decision Stone. I can't get hurt anymore. It kills me that we can never be anything more than this. 10 years I have sat back and played the good girl, but I want more with you and we can't have that." I explain as I wipe the tears from my eyes. "This is killing me."

"I can't lose you are perfect to me. Everything about you....the way you are, your kindness, your body, the things you do to me babe, I don't mean just physically but life is okay...but with you I'm thriving. I need you." Stone says. 

"You don't need did fine without me 10 years ago, your wife loves you, you have kids who dote on their dad. I am just a little bit of fun when you get bored or when you're touring with the band. I have to go Stone." I respond. 

It all seems so clear now. This will hurt me, breaking things off but I need to do it, he can't have his cake and eat it too.

"I felt like the worlds biggest slut, fucking you. Knowing your wife is back home assuming you'd never do anything like this to her? Then you're barebacking me, not even thinking about her."

"I love you Sadie, more than I love her, she isn't you honey. When I'm with her I close my eyes and pretend you're the one I'm with...that's how much I fucking love you." Stone replies as my tears threaten to fall. I turn around and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry....but it's over....I can't do this anymore." I say simply.

"Please Sadie, let me prove it....I'll end things with her...I mean it for real this time" Stone says, trying everything to stop me from leaving.

"You'll be fine without me." I say before opening the door and walking out.

I make my way out of the hotel and hail a cab after I leave the building. I sit in the back and see Stone has made his way outside. He notices me. His face is melancholy, his gorgeous smile almost non-existent and his eyes showing his vulnerability. He's scared shitless about losing me, but I can't keep waiting for something that will never come to fruition, this is what's best for both of us. I head back to Essex on the train, and his saddened face is ingrained in my brain as I take the line back to where I live. 

I missed loads of calls and didn't respond to the texts he sent me, as Stone tried to get hold of me. 

Hopefully I can heal from this, it will take a long time and a 10 year what was practically a relationship has ended.

He was my everything and I will never find anyone like him, but I'm standing by my decision this time. No more running back. I have to focus on my wellbeing.

It was fun while it lasted.


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