Release Me (OFC x Dave Abbruzzese & OFC x Eddie Vedder) 🔞

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My world changed in 1993.

I was 25 years old and wanted to work in the music industry, so I was offered a job as an assistant at The Site in Nicasio, California. It was a recording studio and they needed someone to set up equipment and pack it away when bands left, as well as a runner for coffee and god knows whatever else the bands needed.

I got the Job in January of 1993, and we were told a world famous, hot band were recording from February and May. The top dogs at the studio didn't want us to know who it was until they got there in case we acted all doe-eyed and crazy around them. All I know is that they asked me to set up leads for two guitarists and one bass guitarist as well as a few mics for the drum kit and the vocalist. So a five piece.

The door to the studio opened and I turned to look at the people entering. It was my manager along with presumably the band's producer and manager. I was introduced and shook hands with them, noticing some people walk in after. Roadies? They each carry a part of the drum kit, which is contained within cases and walk outside to retrieve more. I see a few guys carrying guitars on their backs, and some guy with shaggy brown curls carrying notebooks and folders. He's damn cute.

Then this other guy walks in, his long wavy brown mane flowing down his back, wearing tartan shorts and skate shoes. He is also a pleasant sight.

"Jen, over here." my manager, Tony, asks.

I put down the leads I'm currently undoing from the ridiculous knots someone has tied them in and walk to the otherside of the studio. The guy with long hair and the tartan shorts looks at me and smiles, then looks away as I pass him.

"Hey Tony." I say to my boss as he begins to introduce me to the band.

"This is Pearl Jam and their management. I want you to be like their personal assistant for today, anything they say goes." he states.

I nod my head. I had heard a few songs from Pearl Jam and I obviously knew the name, but I never saw what they looked like until now. Damn....they are all good looking.

"Hi! I'm Jennifer Tympson" I say with a joyful smile, trying to hold back how starstruck I actually am.

"I'll leave you in her capable hands." Tony said, before walking off with the manager and producer.

The band introduce themselves and I look like an idiot with this smile on my face.

"I could really do with some coffee...." this guy called Stone asks. He's the guitarist, and he gives me a wink after he says this.

"Sure, anyone else?" I smile, as I offer.

"Yeah that would be fucking amazing" Jeff replies as he sets up his bass guitar.

"What do you all have?" I ask.

The long brown haired guy who smiled at me earlier, Dave, walks up to me and says "I know what they all have, I'll come help you"

"Are you sure?" I reply. "You got a drum kit to set up."

"It can wait. " He smiles. He's genuinely sweet and I agree.

I make my way out with Dave following, and I grab my coat before we leave.

"Thank you so much for helping me, It's kinda my job to do things for you guys though." I say as we walk out the door.

"Yeah well, I guess I'm not a fan of people doing stuff for me when I can easily do it...I know you get paid for this, but there's a few of us guys and you'll need a hand carrying it all." Dave replies.

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