Part 1

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Jenna's Pov:

We were sitting in this really fancy restaurant waiting for a waiter to get our orders. With we i mean the 'Wednesday' cast, Tim Burton obviously and some other important people.

Tim wanted to have this dinner with us to discuss some important matters for the next few months. We official met the whole cast today, but i already met up with Emma, Georgie, Hunter,Isaac and Joy before. We all have a pretty good chemistry.
Not that i ever doubted that, i get mostly good along with everyone so that is nothing new.

We sat on a large table in the back of the restaurant, so that not everyone sees us immediately. Emma sat right beside me, Hunter on my left and Georgie in front of me. Most of the time i talked with Emma and Georgie, they were really fun.

"Okay, so y'all tell me a embarrassing story form your childhood." Georgie says.

"Emma, i give you the honor. You can start." i said looking at her.

"Wow. So friendly from you." She said putting her hand over her heart.
"Anyways... it was like fifth grade and my class was about to go on a class trip. So we were all standing in front of this big bus and my parents were just saying bye to me, but i was crying so hard cause i didn't want to go. My parents told me it would be fun, so i needed to do the trip. As i said i was crying really hard and then a boy came to me, went to hold my hand and dragged me inside the bus. But i was still crying and i was crying so hard that when i sat down in my seat i peed myself."

As she finished Georgie and me broke out in loud laughter.

"Okay so i go next..." Just as he was about to begin someone stormed inside. Th door banged against the wall and all heads turned.

"Fuck sorry..." It was a Girl, but with a kinda boyish look.
What i'm guessing is the owner shouted.

"I'm so so sorry. I promise it won't happen again." She said looking down.

"You also said that last time. And all the times before that.What's the reason this time." The owner whisper shouted to not disturb the customers more than they already did.
"The same as last time. Sorry."

"I give you one more last chance." He said sternly rubbing his forehead. She nodded say 'Thank you'

"Now go! Table three."
"Yes sir." She scrambled her way through the restaurant while fixing her black tie and the button up. She looked pretty attractive. God no Jenna don't think that.

I continued my conversation with Emma and the rest.

"Hello, I'm sorry for the delay. I'm Jayden and i will be you waitress for tonight."
All of us looked up at her. She just smiled nervously.

"Jayden?!" I heard, i turned to Georgie who said that.
"Georgie?! What the hell are you doing here?" She asked him going to his side. He stands up and they do this weird handshake.

"Ah you now i got the role." He said proud.
"What no way. That's nice!" He just nodded. We all watched again, but this time confused.

She cleared her throat when they noticed everyone watching. "Sorry guys." She said.

Tim just said something like 'Everything good' and then we ordered all.
"The orders will be with you shortly." She said walking away. But then she stops and turns around.
She looks at Georgie and nods her head towards the kitchen were she was going.

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